Till 1798 marked by fatal visit of English seamen,
inhabitants of Nauru have been assured, that besides their island of a land on our planet are not present more. That once again proves convention of the world surrounding us. That is there is nothing surprising that rare departures for limits of area for many of us are comparable with flight somewhere for Milky Way horizons — native to us of a galaxy.
There live islanders that collect and trade in a unique piece — phosphorites which lay at them literally underfoot (under a thin layer of earth).
After the most part of phosphorites will dig out, the island surface becomes covered by lunar ruts is an additional reason for local residents not to trust in geography, the Internet and an internal combustion engine.

In XIX century here searched (and found) pearls, and in 1968 islanders have learnt, that it is necessary to record the independence, and business undertook with enthusiasm.
And in 2003 all tens thousand inhabitants have arranged meeting and have dethroned the government — it was not pleasant to local residents, that to them on island wish to settle
refugees from Afghanistan. About which existence they too, probably, did not guess.