Exclusive Rendering – Hyundai’s global small car

Hyundai’s new small car is codenamed “GB” according to reports and will be introduced in petrol and diesel formats. A 800cc sub-60hp engine will be the base model spec, which will cost roughly U.S $3,000.

Hyundai’s new global small car will be sold in Europe, Brazil, China among other countries. It will be positioned under the i10, where as in India, it will cost less than the Santro.

In September last year, H.S.Lheem, managing director & CEO of Hyundai operations in India confirmed the global small car is jointly developed by the engineers in Namyang, Korea and Hyderabad, India. The car will be built at the Chennai facility where the i10, i20 are presently manufactured and shipped to 100 or more countries, he added.

Read more: http://indianautosblog.com/2009/07/exclusive-rendering-hyundais-global-small-car#ixzz12EIFdUFb

Custom 2001 Hyundai Tiburon

Custom 2001 Hyundai Tiburon

Hyundai Nuvis Concept Car

Hyundai Nuvis Concept Car

Bring Back the Old Beetle!

Bring Back the Old Beetle!, What's needed in these economically tough times is a return to a true "people's car" - something that's not only priced in line with our downsized buying power but also something we can keep running with a $50 set of basic hand tools, duct tape and RTV.

That car is the Old Beetle. It may have been the perfect car. In continuous production for nearly 50 years, largely unchanged - on the order of 40 million of them made.

The only reason they're not still being made is because (drumroll, please) our friends in the government outlawed them - albeit in a roundabout way.

For our safety, government passed laws that require all new cars meet certain crashworthiness standards. The Old Beetle - a car conceived in the mid-1930s - could not be made to meet standards invented by American bureaucrats 40 years later. This is one reason why the Old Beetle could no longer be sold here after 1979 - the last year it was offered new in the United States. (The car continued to be built in Mexico until 2002.)

Reason number two for the Old Beetle's demise had to do with emissions. Our government once again decreed that all new cars could only produce so much pollution - and not a puff more. The Old Beetle's air-cooled horizontally-opposed "boxer" engine was simple and rugged and cheap - but it couldn't make the emissions cut.

This is why the Old Beetle was finally dropped from the rolls in Mexico, too. There was no way to make the by-then 70 year-old design comply with modern emissions requirements without completely redesigning the engine.

These two things - acceptable crasworthiness and low emissions - are of course desirable. But they're not free - or even cheap. An Old Beetle's Solex 1-barrel downdraft carburetor was the basic component of its entire fuel system (the rest being a gas tank, some fuel lines and so on). The carburetor cost less than $100 for the whole thing, brand new. Your ten-year-old kid could install the thing, too. Literally. (It was secured by two bolts that could be turned out with a set of pliers.)

How much do you suppose it would cost you to replace the electronic fuel injection system on a New Beetle - or even to do a major repair? Think you could do it yourself?

An Old Beetle has no ABS - or even disc brakes. The "electronics" consist of a map light and the battery that's under the backseat (assuming the floorpans are solid). There are four forward gears, no hydraulic-assisted clutch, skinny tires on stamped steel 15 inch wheels and a bodyshell that weighs less than 2,000 pounds - which let you get by with an engine that makes not much more power than a good-sized garden tractor.

The thing runs on the cheapest, lowest grade fuel (think Mexico) and can be swapped out for a new (or junkyard) replacement, when the time comes, with a floor jack and for a couple hundred bucks.

No radiator, no coolant, no hoses, either. Heck, there wasn't even an oil filter. Just a screen you cleaned! That and about three quarts of new oil and you were done. Less than $10 and five minutes or so to change the oil.

It was, briefly put, the distilled essence of "car" - perhaps the best four-wheeled appliance ever created. It got you there. Maybe not quickly; maybe not especially comfortably. But it got you there - most of the time, at least.

And ultimately, isn't that what it's all about? Getting to work and back efficiently and economically? The rest - air bags, GPS, leather, 400 hp engines - it's all very nice but it's also very expensive. Such features jack up the price and commit us to debt-slavery in perpetuity. Very few people can afford to buy a new car in cash anymore. Six year car loans are common. In the days of the Old Beetle, average people could and did buy them cash on the barrel. Or maybe they financed for two or three years. But it was manageable. You weren't economically crippled by a $400/month payment for the next half-decade.

We've forgotten something very important: Unlike a house or a decent stock portfolio, a car is not an "investment." It is a depreciating asset and very often, a money pit. And the expenses associated with cars is arguably one of the reasons why so many of us are so broke right now.

We bought into the spin; we wanted to be that guy (or girl) in the commercial. We liked to jangle our keys, drop brand names and sit self-satisfied in traffic, luxuriating in our perforated (and heated!) leather seats.

But just think how much richer we'd all be if, instead of having frittered away $30,000 or $40,000 on the new Whatsit (which five or six years down the road is going to be worth $15k, if that) we'd purchased something like an Old Beetle - a car that cost maybe $5,000 brand-new, inflation adjusted - and put the rest in the bank. Or paid down the mortgage. Or some other productive thing. We'd be a lot less pinched now, for one thing. We can't cry of over spilt milk, of course. But we can learn from the past. And we could have cars like the Old Beetle again, if we wanted. It's just a question of telling six-figure bureaucrats in DC to shove off - and of course, giving our own selves a reality check. Wouldn't it be great?

Troller Expedition

O Troller T4 ganhará a partir de novembro a edição Expedition que terá 100 unidades produzidas.

O modelo será apresentado na próxima semana durante o Salão de São Paulo e terá snorkel, peito de aço, protetores nas lanternas traseiras e nos piscas, para-barros dianteiros e traseiros, soleiras nos estribos e para-lamas, apliques nos para-choques e na grade do radiador, rodas de alumínio cinza escuro, capota na cor especial cinza metálico fosco, capa de estepe personalizada e emblemas Expedition.

Vem com os bancos são revestidos em couro sintético e o modelo conta com MP3 player com entrada USB e seis alto-falantes. Traz de série ar-condicionado, direção hidráulica, trio elétrico e santantônio.

O motor é o 3.0 turbo movido a diesel com 163 cv. A tração 4x4 reduzida, diferencial traseiro bloqueável e freio a disco nas quatro rodas com válvula sensível à carga na traseira. O preço deve partir de R$ 93.830.

Destruiu o Camaro!!

Falando ainda de Camaro. Está ai um verdadeiro pecado. O cara se empolgou com o acelerador.

Vendidas 100 unidades do Camaro conversível em três minutos

A GM anunciou que vendeu 100 unidades de uma edição especial conversível do Camaro, chamada de Convertible Neiman Marcus edition, em três minutos.

Ele é baseado no Camaro SS e o preço sugerido é de US$ 75 mil. O modelo estava disponível somente no catálogo de Natal rede de lojas de moda norte-americana Neiman Marcus. As unidades serão entregues no primeiro semestre de 2011.

What About Radar Detector Detectors?

What About Radar Detector Detectors?,The article I wrote a few weeks back about the value of buying (and using) a radar detector prompted several replies pointing out that in Virginia and DC - where detectors are still illegal - I ran the risk of being nailed by a "radar detector detector," specifically, the Spectre III/Elite used (apparently) by many police.

I looked into it a bit - and also have my own real world experience using the Valentine 1 (highly recommend this model; see here: http://www.carmild.com/) for about three years now in Virginia and thought I'd post what I know - or what seems likely - based on that.

First, I am pretty confident that the Virginia State Police and most local police in Virginia do not have the Spectre III or similar radar detection equipment. Either that, or the Valentine 1 is not detectable by them.

I have gotten away with using the V1 every single day for almost three years, on highways and secondary roads all over the state. Every time I drive - literally - the V1 has alerted me to a cop running radar, either coming at me from the opposite direction (moving car) or from a stationary unit parked off to the side of the road. Each time, I have slowed down - and sailed right past the cop without incident. The cops don't even look at me.

I don't turn the V1 off, either. I usually just snatch it off the dash, where I "stealth mount" it using quick-release Velcro (which makes the unit much less visible since there's no dangling power cord) before I get close enough to the cop for him to easily see the V1 sitting on my dashboard. However it is still on - so if the cops have a Spectre or other type of detector detector that is capable of picking out the V1, I would assume that by now at least one of them would have come after me to check for a radar detector. But that has not happened.

It's possible I've just been very lucky, but I doubt it. I drive a lot (probably 20,000 miles a year) in multiple different vehicles, all over the state.

My conclusions:

* Given that most people obey the law - no matter how unfair, stupid or even evil the law happens to be - the cops in VA assume that most people do not have radar detectors and so are not actively looking for them.

* Probably most departments - especially local ones, with more limited budgets - quite rationally conclude that there's no real justification for spending $2,500 or more per unit to buy detector detectors, since most people will not buy/use a radar detector if its illegal to do so.

The side benefit here for people who use radar detectors anyway is that we have the element of surprise on our side. Since cops assume most people don't have detectors, they don't use tactics that assume most (or even many) drivers do have them. They just "paint" traffic with K or Ka, without much if any attempt to hide what they're doing. This gives the handful of us with radar detectors a real advantage - in Virginia and DC, anyhow.

* While police may be looking for them visually, they do not have effective radar detector detectors. I've read that the newer, top-of-the-line radar detectors such as my Valentine 1 and the Bell STi either can't be picked out by detector detectors or their ID range is not enough for the cop to get the drop on you. If you read the technical specs. published by the manufacturer of the Spectre radar detector detector, you'll see the effective range is somewhere around 1,000 feet out (from the cop to you). But the V1 (and, apparently, the Bell STi) is effective at much greater distances than that, so even if the cops have the Spectre, odds are you will detect them before they detect you. This jibes with my personal, real-world experience using the V1 in Virginia.

Bottom line - It appears pretty safe to run with a radar detector in Virginia (can't speak to the situation in DC) provided you use a high-end unit (forget about the cheap units; they're a waste of money) and you're careful to keep your unit low-profile by using the Velcro-on-the-dash mounting system, as mentioned earlier - which camouflages the unit and makes it virtually invisible to any lurking cop unless he's literally right next to you. Always snatch the unit off the dash (and out of sight) when near cops or in urban areas/slow-moving traffic where your "piece" would be more visible.

Most important of all - maintain high situational awareness. Be aware of your surroundings. Learn to recognize the signs of a cop. Become familiar with the types of cars they usually drive; where they typically run radar traps - and so on. Pay attention to the behavior of traffic around you. Etc.

To further stack the odds in your favor in places like VA and DC where radar detectors are illegal, do the following: When the unit goes off (especially Ka band, which is a guaranteed cop), slow to the speed limit, pull the detector off the dash and disconnect the power plug. Once the unit is off, it cannot be detected - so you're absolutely sure of flying under the radar. Enjoy the ride!

Sandero Stepway Concept

A Renault do Brasil entende que ousadia também faz parte da indústria automobilística. Foi justamente com este espírito inovador e explorando a criatividade que os profissionais do Renault Design América Latina (RDAL) - centro de desenvolvimento e estilo instalado no Brasil -, em parceria com outras áreas da empresa (Marketing, Produto e Engenharia), desenvolveram o “Sandero Stepway Concept”, que será uma das principais atrações do estande da Renault do Brasil no Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi, em São Paulo.

Este show car, que é a visão da Renault do Brasil para um veículo diferenciado, voltado para pessoas com personalidade, promete surpreender os visitantes do espaço da marca no Salão Internacional do Automóvel.

Inspirando-se numa famosa designer brasileira de jóias e tendo como alvo o público feminino, a intenção foi explorar ao máximo as novas tonalidade e texturas, criando algo que surpreendesse pela criatividade e efeito visual.

Além de marcar o encontro do Sandero Stepway com o mundo da moda, esse inédito show car 100% nacional revela a versatilidade da plataforma B0, de onde se origina também o sedã Novo Logan e o hatch Sandero, além de reforçar o compromisso da Renault do Brasil em pensar novos produtos sempre em sintonia com os consumidores locais.

Chevrolet Camaro conversível

A Chevrolet divulgou a primeira imagem do Camaro conversível.

O Camaro conversível, que tem estréia para o mercado norte-americano prevista para Fevereiro de 2011. Ele será apresentado no Salão Automóvel de Los Angeles, no próximo mês de Novembro.

O modelo não é diferente do modelo não conversível a diferença fica mesmo na ausência do teto.

Os motores também são os mesmos um 3.6 V6 de 312 cv e um 6.2 V8 de 400 cv ou 426 cv, dependendo da transmissão escolhida, automática ou manual.

Rodízio de pneus

O rodízio de pneus é muito importante para prevenir o gasto irregular. Se os pneus não forem verificados e o rodízio não for feito, o ruído na estrada irá aumentar, haverá menor economia de combustível e a estabilidade em pista molhada reduzirá. Pneus sem manutenção terão que ser trocados mais cedo.

Deve-se fazer o rodízio a cada 10 mil quilômetros, além do alinhamento de rodas e direção.

Nos carros com tração dianteira, em que todos os pneus são do mesmo tamanho, trocam-se os pneus da frente para trás em linha reta, e os traseiros para frente de forma cruzada.

Em carros de tração traseira, trocam-se os pneus traseiros para frente em linha reta e os pneus dianteiros para trás de forma cruzada.

Nos carros com tração nas quatro rodas o padrão de rodízio sugerido é em "X". O pneu esquerdo traseiro é substituído pelo pneu direito dianteiro e o pneu direito traseiro substituído pelo pneu esquerdo dianteiro.

Carros esporte, de luxo e utilitários possuem pneus unidirecionais. Estes pneus têm bandas de rodagem padrão, projetadas para atuar somente na direção determinada na parede lateral. Eles devem ser trocados de frente para trás (supondo que os pneus sejam do mesmo tamanho). Isto assegura que a direção da rotação não mude.

Se você incluir o estepe no rodízio, o normal é colocá-lo no lado direito traseiro. O motorista deve consultar o manual do proprietário para realizar o procedimento correto do rodízio de pneus do seu carro.

NY Auto Show Preview: Hyundai 2011 Sonata Hybrid

Car buyers now only have two choices if they are looking for a midsize hybrid sedan. There is the 2010 Fusion Hybrid from Ford and the Toyota made Camry Hybrid. That fact will change when Korean carmaker Hyundai unveils the 2011 Sonata Hybrid at the New York Auto Show in six weeks time.

This Hyundai release will somehow declare its intention of meeting on with the rival Japanese car maker Toyota that has been experiencing some setbacks with global recalls recently.

The new Hyundai Sonata was showcased during the Los Angeles Auto Show a few months ago. They also announced that to achieve better fuel mileage with their compact crossovers and midsize cars, V-6 engines will no longer installed for these vehicles.

The hybrid variant of the Hyundai Sonata will be its next best step to improve the fuel mileage of its range of products. The designers are making use of lithium polymer battery packs instead of nickel metal hydride that other carmakers like Ford, Honda, and Toyota use

Ford Fusion Hybrid Declared Most Eco-Thrifty

The old measuring tool for “economical” cars used to be “miles per gallon”. That was back in the days when all vehicles used to be powered by petroleum. Now, with the invention of plug-ins, hybrids, and other alternative-fuel vehicles, that measuring tool no longer suffices. It’s safe to say that the only way for you to measure a car’s efficiency is to measure the cost of its power source per mile.

With that in mind, the San Francisco Chronicle compiles a list of popular hybrid vehicles and reviewed them for what they truly are. We’ve heard only too many claims of “power-saving” from these hybrid models. But considering their initial cost? Who can say which ones are really giving you your money’s worth?

The compiled review included seven hybrids that are considered by most consumers to be the most “ideal” for them. The publication estimated just how long it would take for the consumer to get what s/he paid for in terms of “fuel savings”, and they found a winner. By a mile, the Ford Fusion Hybrid won the fuel saver’s race by letting its future owner save enough fuel to “break even” in 5.6 years.

2011 Hyundai i10

Korea automaker Hyundai has announced the new 2011 Hyundai i10, apart from their new MPV, which will also have its world premiere at the 2010 Paris Auto Show.

External features of the new Hyundai i10 include hexagonal signature grille, a new pair of headlights and slightly redesigned front bumper. It will be available with an automatic option, which will make i10 the second small car in the country to do so after Maruti A-Star.Additionally, the internal features of the new i10 will also be upgraded, but details about that have not leaked out.

The 2011 Hyundai i10 will become already the third new Hyundai vehicle having a fuel-saving start/stop technology after the popular i30 hatchback and hot-selling Tucson crossover (known also as Hyundai ix35 in some international markets).Hyundai sold on European soil is the only car from Hyundai which bears the ISG technology but now the Korean carmaker has announced to expand its start/stop technology in other models and markets.The 2011 i10 will come with new engine having 2 bhp more than its forerunner.

Hyundai has not set to launch any diesel engine but will continue with the less powerful 1.1L petrol engine.The ISG system should cut the fuel utilization and emissions by up to 15 percent in typical city driving conditions with heavy traffic and constant stop-start motoring, as per the automakers.It is also rumored that the facelifted Hyundai i10 will get a new 1.0L gasoline engine which will get better the car’s on-road capabilities and further lower its fuel utilization.

The European largest motor show - 2010 Paris Auto Show, which will be held on September 30. Hyundai will present a facelifted i10 there.Officially, the premiere of Hyundai i10 for the show is not announced yet but rumors suggest that the new facelift of 2011 Hyundai i10 is anticipated to debut the Veloster Coupe and i40 sedan at the next month’s Paris Auto Show.

2011 Hyundai i10 Front 2011 Hyundai i10

Hyundai Hybrid in the US by 2012

The Korean car manufacturer, Hyundai, may not have a plug-in hybrid car in its garage right now but it is set to release its first by 2012. The car will be derived from the DNA of Hyundai’s Blue Wil concept which took spotlight in the Seoul Auto Show.

Hyundai is eyeing to compete with the Volt of Chevrolet and the next generation of Prius from Toyota. The Blue-Will has a 1.6L gas power plant under its hood assisted by a 100 kilowatt electric motor. The Korean car producer also boasts of its technology for the production of lithium battery.

Hyundai will be the first in the auto world to utilize Ion Lithium Polymer for mass produced cars.

The net mileage for the Blue-Will is 106 mpg with pure electric power bringing it 38 miles away. The gas fueled engine can also contribute about 55 mpg if needed. The car also has solar panels mounted on its roof to help in charging the car’s battery.

Aside from the efficient fuel usage, the Blue-Will boasts of headlamps made from recycled soft drink bottles. Plant extract materials were also preferred over the usual fossil fuel derivatives for the engine cover.

Hyundai does not have an official release with regard to the price of the Blue-Will. The Volt is expected to have a sticker price of around $40000.

According to Hyundai executives, their primary goal in releasing the Blue-Will is not for profit but for technology showcase to convince the market to buy and drive their cars.

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