Places like Cuba in the world already at all does not remain. And not because is not present anywhere (well unless in Northern Korea, however it is not counted as tourists almost does not accept) such communism of the population impregnated with spirit more. And not because there the largest lobsters. Our person lobsters you will not surprise, communism.
And here the Cuban girls it is valid a miracle.
Such is not present anywhere more. They are is more often beautiful, than are simply nice, very clockwork, they love sex and international dialogue and thus (about a miracle!) are almost completely not mercantile.
No, they like to receive gifts and other signs on attention. They even with pleasure take money «on pins».
But they not whores, are not present: phrases
«And it, the friend, will cost to you of 20 dollars more» from them will not hear. And if the Germans who have blocked recently island and other Europeans do not spoil their national character,
the Cuban girls remain the most disinterested girls in the world. Only on Freedom island intersexual relations happen such free.
But keep in mind:
Cubans are burningly jealous. Here this separately taken night here this separately taken girl undividedly owns you, and you are a girl. Competitors will not suffer at this night — but, since tomorrow — you are again free!
In the same place well one more Caribbean entertainment — sea fishing.
The boat with
the Cuban conductor is rented, there borrow local tackles (a scaffold in a half-finger in the thickness, a hook of the corresponding
The size and a rigid fishing-rod with the coil) — and forward, in the high sea to catch crabs and impressions!
To judges of cigars — too expanse, but be cautious. Local will sell to you covertly any cigars with the trade mark, firm packing and other attributes — but they can quite appear sub-standard marriage.