2011 Lincoln MKX Button-free Controls

2011 Lincoln MKX Button-free Controls: The 2011 Lincoln MKX will be the first production vehicle to dispense with traditional pushbuttons, knobs and switches for audio and climate controls. These have been replaced by touch-sensitive pads that respond not to pressure but to the proximity of a finger swipe - which disturbs a minute electrical field, which triggers the operation of whatever function the driver wishes to engage - such as adjusting fan speed or the stereo's volume. It is not necessary to actually touch or push on the panel, as you'd do on a microwave, for example.

Each pad illuminates amber when activated, returning to neutral white backlighting when off.

Jaguar debuted a similar system last year in the 2010 XF sedan, but only for a few functions, such as opening the glovebox. The Lincoln system is much more comprehensive and dispenses with most of the old-style buttons and switches one used to find all over the dash - replacing them with a smooth, ultra-modern looking surface that's also easier to keep clean since there aren't small crevices for dirt and dust to work their way into.

The only potential downside is the likely high cost to repair/replace the touch pads and associated electronics should they malfunction down the road - when the car is no longer under warranty.

Kia Sorento UVO voice-control interface

Kia Sorento UVO voice-control interface: Making its debut in the 2011 Sorento SUV, the UVO (your voice) system allows hands-free, voice-activated operation of the car's stereo as well as plug-in accessory devices such as MP3 players, PDAs and USB memory sticks. The driver can also send and receive phone calls (and text messages) via voice prompt. UVO features adaptive software that helps it learn each driver's different voice pattern - and it's fluent in multiple languages.

Kia says UVO should help drivers keep their eyes on the road - and their hands on the wheel - instead of looking at and fiddling with lots of buttons as they drive.

Ford's Sync system - which came out about two years ago - is similar but less advanced. For example, UVO can directly access the Internet through a wireless connection to continuously update its software, features and functions - which implies that UVO could also enable drivers to access e-mail and even surf the web while in their cars.

Ford is working on an updated version of its Sync technology that reportedly will allow the same thing - although it's still an open question whether it's a good idea for drivers to be surfing the Information Highway while they're driving down the actual highway.

2011 Chevy Volt Spark pure electric car

2011 Chevy Volt/Spark: The forthcoming Volt is somewhere in between a plug-in hybrid like the 2011 Prius and a pure electric car like the 2011 Nissan Leaf (see below). Like the Prius, the Volt has both an electric motor/battery pack and a small internal combustion engine. But unlike the Prius and other hybrids, the Volt's gasoline burning engine is only used to provide back-up power for the engine's onboard battery packs in the event their charge runs low. It is not connected to the drive wheels or transmission. In effect, the Volt carries around its own built-in generator - making it independent of recharging stations.

The Volt's batteries may also be charged up by plugging the car in to any common household 110 volt outlet. This dual-mode recharging should give the Volt greater versatility and range than plug-in hybrids like the '11 Prius - as well as superior overall economy.

GM claims the Volt can go for 40 miles on a fully-charged battery without the gasoline engine ever coming on - and up to 300 more miles with the small gasoline engine providing generator power. If these claims prove accurate (and we won't know until the cars are actually available about six months to a year from now) the Volt would be the most fuel-efficient car ever mass produced.

But there is a potential downside: GM reportedly will price the 2011 Volt at between $35,000 to $40,000 - comparable to the cost of an entry-luxury BMW or Mercedes-Benz. Federal tax deductions of as much as $7,500 will help make the Volt more affordable but it will still take awhile to work off the up-front costs in "down the road" fuel economy gains. Middle class buyers most interested in a high-economy car may find the Volt too expensive.

Later in 2011 or 2012, GM may also offer a similar drivetrain in the Spark ultra-compact city car, which should be priced more affordably.

Forma correta de transportar crianças

Segurança também é um dos valores fundamentais e intrínsecos à Sustentabilidade. Assim, lembramos a nossos leitores que já está em vigor desde ontem, 01/09/2010, a resolução 277 do Conselho Nacional de Trânsito (Contran), que visa estabelecer condições mínimas de segurança para o transporte de passageiros com idade inferior a sete anos e meio em veículos de passeio.

A resolução determina que:
1. crianças de até um ano de idade sejam transportadas no equipamento denominado conversível ou bebê conforto
2. crianças entre um e quatro anos em cadeirinhas
3. crianças de quatro a sete anos e meio em assentos de elevação (vide ilustração abaixo).

Deve-se utilizar, sempre, o dispositivo de retenção adequado ao peso e altura da criança, pois o objetivo é o de reduzir o risco ao usuário em casos de colisão ou de desaceleração repentina do veículo, limitando o deslocamento do corpo da criança.

Cabe aqui uma palavra de cautela: antes de acomodar a criança em um dispositivo de retenção, leia o manual de instrução, treine a fixação e jamais faça adaptações. Veja algumas dicas de um especialista da Volkswagen em sistemas de retenção de ocupantes:

1. Para fixar corretamente a cadeirinha, exerça pressão com as mãos ou apoie o joelho sobre ela para forçar o ajuste e eliminar as folgas.

2. Atravesse o cinto nos locais indicados pelo fabricante da cadeirinha. Verifique se o cinto passa no centro do ombro, o mais ajustado possível ao tórax e nunca junto ao pescoço, e se a faixa sub-abdominal está na região da cintura, não sobre o estômago.

3. Certifique-se de que o clipe de segurança esteja corretamente travado.

4. Teste a eficiência da fixação. Puxe a cadeirinha em direção oposta à que está instalada, simulando uma frenagem brusca ou choque frontal do veículo. O deslocamento não deve ser maior que 2 centímetros.

Antes da existência da resolução do Contran, a área de Engenharia de Segurança Veicular da Volkswagen do Brasil já realizava testes rigorosos para validar a conformidade dos meios de fixação das cadeirinhas nos veículos Volkswagen. Todos os veículos da marca são equipados com cinto de segurança de três pontos com comprimento suficiente para a fixação do equipamento e o Golf também oferece de série um dispositivo de bloqueio (KiSi) no retrator do cinto de segurança traseiro, que dá mais estabilidade à cadeirinha durante manobras.

Fique atento, pois quem descumprir a resolução poderá ser multado em até R$ 191,54, receberá sete pontos na Carteira Nacional de Habilitação e poderá sofrer a retenção do veículo até que a irregularidade seja sanada.

(Com informações e ilustrações do Contran)
Texto Volkswagen

Best powered car realist Shelby vs Mercedes

Best powered car realist Shelby vs Mercedes
1.Shelby GT500 With Hp 1000 Power concept.

2.Citroen C2 Alloy French and Italian

3. Mercedes SL65 AMG new Modification P1000

Ford Ecoboost 3.5 liter V-6 engine

Ford Ecoboost 3.5 liter V-6 engine: V-8s may go the way of the Dodo - at least in Ford and Lincoln vehicles. The automaker has developed a new line of direct-injected and turbocharged V-6 engines designed to produce V-8 horsepower and torque output while maintaining the fuel economy of a smaller V-6 engine.

Ford is concerned about the prospect of gas prices going back to $3 or $4 per gallon - in which case, vehicles equipped with gas-guzzling V-8s will become as hard to sell as Betamax VHS players. In addition, the federal government recently passed a law which will require all new cars to average 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016 - which is just a few short model years down the road from now. V-8s are thus becoming a liability - but many customers still want V-8 power and performance. Ford hopes its Ecoboost concept will solve this dilemma.

Direct injection optimizes combustion efficiency and also permits the use of very high compression ratios for high power output without engine knock, because the high-pressure fuel charge reduces internal cylinder temperatures. The result is a 20 percent increase in efficiency compared to an otherwise similar engine without direct fuel injection. Turbocharging, meanwhile, boosts low-end torque and also provides on-demand power for merging and passing at higher speeds. In the new Lincoln MKS sedan, the 3.5 liter Ecoboost engine returns 17 mpg in city driving and 25 on the highway - while producing 355 horsepower. In contrast, Ford's workhorse 4.6 liter V-8 (used in everything from Mustangs to Explorer SUVs) produces 40 less peak horsepower (315 in the Mustang GT) while managing only 16 miles per gallon in city driving and 24 miles per gallon on the highway.

Ford plans to offer its line of Ecoboost engines in fully 90 percent of its vehicles by model year 2013.

2011 Plug-in Prius Yaris

2011 Plug-in Prius/Yaris: Toyota will be the first major automaker to offer mass-produced, factory-built plug-in hybrid vehicles that can be recharged via any common 110 volt outlet.

Current production hybrids like the 2010 Prius are "closed loop" - the car's on-board gasoline engine provides the energy to charge the batteries that in turn power the electric motors. This means the car has to burn gas in order to to power up the hybrid battery/electric portion of its drivetrain - which reduces fuel efficiency. It also means the vehicle is just as dependent on gasoline as any standard car.

A plug-in hybrid, on the other hand, makes it possible to recharge the car's batteries without using the gas engine at all. Not only is fuel economy much improved (prototype Prius plug-in hybrids have achieved 100-plus miles per gallon vs. the current's car's 51 mpg) but range is increased and the car can be driven at higher speeds on battery power alone, too. For commuters whose trip into work is less than 30 miles or so each way, it ought to be possible to operate the car entirely on battery power alone - without burning a single drop of gasoline.

Electricity isn't free, of course - but the estimated cost to recharge a plug-in hybrid is still about 30-40 percent less than the equivalent cost (at current prices) of fueling up with gasoline.

A hybrid version of the subcompact Yaris sedan will also join the lineup next year (2011) and this model is anticipated to deliver even better gas mileage than the current Prius due to its smaller size and lower weight - perhaps as much as 60 mpg. (Plug-in versions, if offered, should achieve 100-plus mpgs.)

Prices haven't yet been disclosed but the plug in-version of the '11 Prius will likely be only slightly more expensive than the current (2010) model, which starts at $22,800. The hybrid 2011 Yaris is expected to cost about 10-20 percent more than the current (2010) non-hybrid Yaris, which has a base price of $13,365.

Ferrari faz Recall da 458 Itália devido a risco de incêndio

Pois é, nem a Ferrari fica fora dos recalls devido à falha na produção.

O problema nas 458 Itália é que ela pode pegar fogo, só isso.

Serão 1.248 unidades a fazerem o recall, a decisão foi tomada depois que 5 unidades pegaram fogo sem motivo aparente.

O problema é na fixação do painel de isolamento de calor na estrutura do carro, que fica debaixo do pára-choque traseiro.

De acordo com um comunicado da Ferrari, a peça que faz a fixação pode pegar fogo em altas temperaturas.

Pista de F1 nos EUA para 2012

Foi revelado como ficará a pista de F1 nos EUA. A pista é cheia de autos e baixos, parece bem interessante tem curvas alta, baixa.

Sua construção deve começar agora em dezembro e ficar pronta em 2012.

E você o que achou da pista?

Get cheap car insurance For Your car

Have high-speed cars and sleek look of great pride for teens, but sometimes we forget about safety and can harm us in case of accident.

But there's one thing we sometimes do not realize, namely insurance companies, who are ready to provide service with cheap car insurance that provides services for your vehicle, if you hit a car on the street or your car stolen by someone and of course we have to choose insurance so that costs for our vehicles is not too expensive and has a full-service facilities and of course will be satisfactory for you

With so many insurance companies, you must have confused to find what really suits your needs, ranging from service, and supply and also save your expenses each month, do not worry I will help you to provide information from hundreds of insurance companies that will ready to help you and can provide a relatively more favorable price for you for each month, even before you have an accident and also ensure that everyone in your home to maintain good grades in driving,

but sometimes some people say that, using a cheap car insurance means the quality is not so good or at worst, in my opinion it is wrong, you are using a cheap car insurance does not mean it was not very good but you are smart in choosing the insurance company itself, and you can compare in terms of price, quality and service provided anything of any company, so you have options that really fit your standards and this economy is very meaningful to you and of course your satisfaction will not priceless, it's also that in making the vision by some of insurance companies so that you can get satisfaction so you are ready to get cheap car insurance.

7 Jobs That Provide A Company Car

Being provided with a company car is a great ‘perk’ of employment, and depending on which position an individual holds, can be utilized either on a part-time or full-time basis. Some of the jobs that offer a company car include the following:

1. Many upper-management, specifically, executive management positions, include the use of a company car, particularly those directly working for an automotive manufacturer or closely related to the industry. In these instances, it’s the perfect way to increase their advertising as more of their cars are seen on the road. Another reason that is that, just as in some communities ‘keeping up with the Jones’ is a means of determining resident status in the neighborhood, members of the upper-Escalon of corporations are provided with company vehicles because they also need to ‘keep up appearances’. A newer or luxury car represents success and in business, that’s very important, especially in regard to their competitors.

2. Jobs that require an employee to travel frequently often times provide the use of a company car. Corporations realize that it’s not entirely fair to expect an employee who has to travel on regular basis, such as in the case of a sales or marketing position, to have to utilize their own vehicle. The company acknowledges the fact that these types of employees are required to travel frequently as part of their job and shouldn’t have to bear the expense of maintenance and or fuel costs, in addition to wear on their personal vehicle, so they provide the individual with the use of a ‘company’ car.

3. Car dealerships usually provide their salesmen with the use of a company car. Along the same lines of an auto-industry executive, this is an excellent way for the dealership to advertise their vehicles and hopefully attract new customers. Additionally, if a salesperson is driving and is happy with the performance of the particular car they’ve been given to utilize, they’ll have an advantage and the added benefit of first-hand knowledge about the vehicle when it comes time to make a sale.

4. Messengers and the sometimes affectionately referred to ‘gophers’ in a business environment are usually given use of a company vehicle, though mainly only during work-hours. These employees have to deliver and pick packages and drop off projects at printing, customer and other facilities in addition to any other off-site tasks the company requests of them such as running out for office supplies, food, etc.

5. A personal assistant who works directly for one individual whether in an office or private environment will be given the use of a company car because these types of positions require extensive traveling time on behalf of the employer’s personal, as well as business, needs.

6. Federal and other-high ranking officials in the securities field are often times provided with a company vehicle because many of their duties require traveling to other counties, towns and even states.

7. Some miscellaneous service and labor positions such as construction, landscaping, plumbing companies, etc. give their employees the use of a company vehicle because there is usually a need to get a very early start, respond to emergency calls and also in lieu of the need to travel extensively to different locals on a regular basis as part of the business’ services.

Keep in mind that if you are applying for a position that requires travel, whether frequent or infrequent, you can always try to negotiate for a company car during the interview process.

Chevrolet S10 Rodeio 2011

A Chevrolet S10 chega com uma nova versão a Rodeio.

A S10 Rodeio vem em cabine dupla e traz de série com ar-condicionado, direção hidráulica, conjunto elétrico, controlador de velocidade de cruzeiro, air bag duplo e freios ABS. Vem com rodas 16 polegadas, faróis com máscara negra, lanternas traseiras fume, estribo lateral e adesivos nas laterais e tampa traseira.

Elas vem com motos 2.4 Flexpower quando abastecido com álcool tem potência de 147 cv e a gasolina alcança 141 cv. No motor 2.8 turbo diesel eletrônico vem com injeção direta de combustível e gera 140 cv de potência.

Os preços partem de R$ 66.025. Na versão intermediária, com motor diesel e tração 4x2, terá preço de R$ 89.366 e a versão top de linha o preço vai para R$ 95.541.

The more powerful Audi A4 Blue

Enchantment of the standard Audi A4 just been so compelling, especially if you've dealt with home modifications. A4 certainly will be more attractive and different. Like the Audi A4 is given a touch of modification Heral Patel. Treated Heral, this premium sedan a sporty look but still looks elegant. The selection of colors and materials used to make this car even more attractive. Additional components of the pacemaker kitchen making increasingly powerful A4

Carrying the Audi 3.0 liter V6 engine intake use PowerChip BoostedTech and software. Results from the engine combustion is discharged through the exhaust system equipped with custom magnaflow exhaust. To be more comfortable driving the A4 should adopt a system of suspension and braking systems performance. For the KW suspensions coilovers equipped A4 Variant2 combined with OE RS4 sway bar. While the braking system wore big 14.1-inch Brembo Gt with four piston calipers

2012 BMW 1 Series M Coupe Revealed

2012 BMW 1 Series M Coupe Revealed

2012 BMW 1 Series M Coupe Revealed
BMW's "entry-level M car" is coming, boasting big power and superlative dynamics. See it here first before the 2011 Detroit Auto Show.

BMW revealed a prototype of its upcoming 1 Series M Coupe this past weekend. In truth, only the left front corner was revealed, but the fact this car is happening at all is big news. Unfortunately, BMW still has said very little about the car, other than the fact we'll see the production version at the Detroit Auto Show in January.

Autos: Do You Own You?

Autos: Do You Own You? 12:00 PM, September 1

Slavery - the idea that one man can own another man - was supposedly abolished by the 13th Amendment in 1865. But laws continue to be passed that, in effect, assert the ownership of the state over our persons. We're not picking cotton or being whipped - but we are being harassed, fined - and even jailed - for defying laws which, at their core, are based on the idea that the state has a claim over our hides.

Consider seat belt laws that empower the police to pull you over and issue you a ticket for not being buckled-up. You haven't harmed anyone - or even threatened to. You might hurt yourself, it's true. But so will being 50 pounds overweight and (for now) no one's being pulled over for that.

It's pointless to deny the merits of wearing a seat belt - just as it is equally pointless to deny the benefits of eating a low-fat diet, maintaining ideal body weight and exercising regularly. The point is not whether a given action or decision is "good for you." It is who should have the final say - you or some busybody with a gun and a badge whose time might be better spent looking for, you know, criminals.

When we turn 18 we're adults as a matter of law and are supposed to be masters of our own destinies. The right to choose (for good or bad) the course our lives will take is the bedrock basic principle of independent adulthood; take that right away and we are reduced to perpetual training wheels - no matter our chronological age.

Not wearing a seat belt may be "unsafe" - but it's not nearly as bad as the suffocating state-enforced infantilism that we get when cops are used not to protect honest citizens from the violence and fraud of dishonest citizens - but to make us do things "for our own good," as if we were little kiddies and they our parents. Even worse, this "for our own good" (or "safety's sake") stuff is purely arbitrary. It all depends on whose ox is being gored.

Not wearing a seat belt can be attacked and punished - but there are far greater threats to safety and well-being. For example, how come it's ok to exercise choice when it comes to diet and exercise - but not when it comes to seat belts?

Perhaps it's because so many of us are overweight, sedentary - and eat like Elvis did during his "husky" period. So, it's ok to be an arteriosclerotic, pre-diabetic, massive health care cost incurring tub of lard - but it's a violation of modern PC orthodoxies not to "buckle up for safety."

It's funny - but the example reveals the hypocrisy and arbitrariness of the way our system works. And how it decides who gets hassled.

After all, there is a clear and definite link between obesity and a steady diet of greasy fast food and an early death from heart disease or cancer. It is an objective "safety" issue with clear ramifications for the general public - since we all get to pay more for health care/insurance and so on because of the totally unnecessary costs imposed by unhealthy, self-destructive fatties who insist on eating themselves into angioplasty.

On the other hand, there is only a potential risk - and a small one, on individual terms - involved with not buckling up. The odds are you won't have an accident - in which case, the seat belt is irrelevant. But when you eat and live like The King - the physical repercussions are much less theoretical. Twenty years of soda pop, french fries and double cheeseburgers will absolutely leave their mark on you; not wearing a seat belt for 20 years may not cost you a thing. No wreck, no problem. And millions of people go their entire lives without ever being involved in a serious accident. Not many people make it through a lifetime of overeating and abusing their bodies without definite consequences.

So, if the measure is going to be "societal costs" - shouldn't we be ticketing weighty waddlers? But I don't support that. The core issue - whether it's what you eat or whether you want to wear a seat belt - is simple: Who owns you?

If my person is my property, then it follows I have the right to use it as I please - so long as no direct harm to others is involved. Not wearing my seat belt falls into that category - doesn't it?

Some might say not wearing a seat belt means I won;t be able to control the car in an accident-type situation where evasive driving maneuvers are necessary. Ok. But the truth is the skill set of the average driver in this country is so low that the concept of "evasive driving maneuvers" is laughable on its face. The typical low-skill American driver is much more likely to freeze, scream - and await the inevitable. Or do the wrong thing. Very few drivers in this country have had professional driver training and are capable of executing accident avoidance maneuvers. It'd be nice - but it's just not there. So that issue's a non-sequitur.

There is the legalistic argument that the roads are public property - and driving a privilege subject to regulation. Fair enough. But so are sidewalks - and fat people can be seen lumbering down them in cities and towns all across the country, brazenly wolfing down their Angus triples and 64 oz sodas without fear of being ticketed. How come the overfed are permitted to flaunt their self-destructive behavior in public, on public sidewalks free of any fear of being ticketed - but it's open season on unbuckled motorists?

The answer is: We're a land of self-deluding busybodies and hypocrites. So long as our sacred cow isn't gored, we don't mind lancing our neighbor's cow. As with the so-called "war on drugs" - which targets some drugs (pot) but not others (alcohol) - it is a matter of laws blowing with the winds of whim. Being fat and unhealthy - or jabbering on a cell phone - is considered ok ... nowithstanding the demonstrable threat to the safety and well-being of "society" both those things represent. But fail to buckle up for safety - and it's a $100 fine.

My first hope is we can repeal all this lifestyle enforcement nonsense - and leave the cops to fight crime. But if we can't have that, I'll settle for fairness. If I have to buckle up for safety - for my own good - then I want to see every person who is sedentary required to show proof of working out at least three days a week. And every person who is carrying more than 20 pounds of lard issued a piece of paying' paper for each pound of excess blubber.

In addition to radar guns and handcuffs, we should issue each cop a set of body fat calipers and a blood pressure/cholesterol meter that could be used at roadside health checkpoints.Fair is fair, after all.

BMW divulga novo vídeo de Série 1 M

O Série 1 M Cupê chega em no primeiro semestre do próximo ano e o seu nome ainda não está definido, mas o “M” estará em seu nome.

Veja o vídeo abaixo que revela um pouco do novo BMW.

Recall no Agile

A partir de hoje, os 59.714 donos do Chevrolet Agile poderão agendar sua visita à rede Chevrolet.

Segundo a GM, um defeito pode ocorrer na mangueira de combustível, podendo provocar vazamento do mesmo e conseqüente incêndio.

O defeito pode aparecer devido a problemas no processo produtivo. O serviço de correção vai começar a partir de 13 de setembro.

Os chassis envolvidos vão de AR1000003 a AR191692 no modelo 2010. Já o 2011 vai de BR1000008 a BR143441.

A GM disponibiliza o telefone 0800 702 4200 ou o site da Chevrolet para esclarecimento de dúvidas e agendamento.

The Backseat Driver's Companion

People who like to drive rarely enjoy being driven - and are often tempted to second-guess the driving of others when not behind the wheel themselves. Usually, it's not a good idea. Here's a Backseat Driver's Companion - a short list of Do's and Don'ts to follow when someone else is behind the wheel:

Hold your tongue

You may not like the way someone else drives; maybe they don't notice the light's turned green as fast you might; maybe they're more hesitant than you might be pulling into traffic or merging. But unless there's an immediate danger you're pretty sure the driver hasn't noticed (a kid on a bike about to run across the road, for instance) proper etiquette is to remain silent, even if it makes you stew inside. When you're back in your own car and behind the wheel again, you can drive how you like. Hectoring those who don't drive as you might isn't going to change their ways; it's just going to create stress and may even make them drive unsafely.

Don't second-guess

Maybe you do "know a better way" to get across town - or "just know" the car will fit in that parking spot up ahead that looks pretty tight. Ultimately, it's not your call. It's fine to give advice if it's asked for. Just don't hector and nag imperiously. You may in fact be a much better driver, know the quickest way to get across town and could easily parallel park the car in that tight space up ahead. But since you're not behind the wheel, it really doesn't matter. Grin and bear it. Everyone will be the happier for it.

Abide by "House Rules"

That means (within reason) doing what the driver asks. It's his car, he gets to lay down the law. If the driver asks you to wear your seatbelt, for example, it's right and proper to do so without complaining - even if you prefer not to wear a seatbelt in your own vehicle. Same goes for smoking, eating and drinking. If it's not your car and you're not driving, deference is the order of the day.

Don't create distractions

It's unsafe to yak on a cell phone while driving because your attention's not fully focused on the task of driving the car. For the same reason, passengers who distract the driver can be just as dangerous - or more so, since the driver has little or no control over how passengers behave. You can turn off a cell phone; it's virtually impossible to "turn off" a passenger creating a distraction in the back seat. This is a problem for teenagers and young drivers especially. Put a bunch of kids in the backseat - and a kid up front in the driver's seat - and the odds of a distraction-induced accident go up several notches. If animals are on board, keep them under control. A dog running amok inside a car is another great way to set up a tragic accident-via-distraction.

Offer to share the driving

On longer trips, it's courteous to make it known you're willing to help with the driving - if the driver wants a break. This should be done in a non-confrontation way; don't say "I'll take over now." Say something along the lines of "Whenever you feel like taking a break, let me know. I'd be happy to drive some of the way." So long as you're not offering a critique of the other person's driving - and implying you could do a better job - the offer will usually be taken in the right spirit. And there won't be a potentially dangerous test of wills: You waiting for the driver to get tired and slip up (so you can point out the slip-up); the driver adamantly refusing to admit he's getting tired and letting you spell him - just to prove he's a better driver than you think he is.

SR-71 Mustang from Roush and Shelby 2010

Mustang SR-71 (S to R to Shelby and Roush) was built at Roush facility in Livonia, Michigan, with the participation and input from all parties involved. Inspired from the SR-71 "Blackbird" reconnaissance plane and a unique sophisticated ever produced, and is still admired by many people. SR-71 Mustang will also take the features that will be unique and privileges. Until the signature embroidery Jack Roush and Carroll Shelby at the exclusive RECARO racing seats. Steering wheel, indicators, navigation screen also been designed to be seen was in the cockpit of a jet fighter.

The car is powered 5.0-liter V8 engine Ti-VCT with a new aluminum block, and supercharge 3.2 liter Whipple Twin Screw. As a supporting performance of wild, adapted calibration Ford Racing and Roush intake. SR-71 Mustang will appear with a doff of non-production of paint and silver as smocks special treatment as a gesture of SR-71. The application itself is designed with a special roof glass roof models along with unique graphics, not forget the muffler and tips made by Ford Racing.

Judging by the legs there dwells Track Pack SVT wheels that are present in color 19-inch custom ring in front and 20 inches in the rear. For additional information that the SR-71 Mustang will be auctioned on Thursday, July 29 next, starting at 7:30 PM at the EAA Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

G Power X6 Typhoon RS Concept

With the V10 configuration X6 Typhoon RS G POWER once again presents a car that can only be described with superlatives. X6 M standard with twin turbo engine that has been supported by the power unit is impressive, but the standard engine BMW has not been able to evoke emotion in the same manner as in the machine M POWER. For this reason the G POWER engineers decided to adapt them to M X6 with a breath taking performance of Formula 1 technology.

A powertrain / engine proper and in accordance with the philosophy of G POWER is on about speed. A high-revving engine with throttle response, immediately showed his character by 5.0 l V10 engine unit of power produced by M GmbH. "The purpose behind the application V10 X6 G POWER Typhoon RS main is besides designed to build a sport utility vehicle the world's fastest intended also to create a vehicle V10 interesting with the power unit M GmbH's", added director G POWER's Christian Stober and Zoran Zorneke talking about the technical specifications X6 M is the ultimate.

Like all vehicles built by the factory complex G POWER, 100% oriented towards customer needs, consider the interior, instrumentation and strict limits on the amount of each edition is the key to the company's thinking. Circle G POWER V10 client X6 cyclone main hospitals have been published clearly aiming for the fans who love the power unit is unfortunately no longer available in the future.

Commitment like that is always embedded in it until bold claim if X6 G V10 RS POWER typhoon as the world's fastest SUV. Running from 0 to 100 km / h requires only 4.2 seconds. In less than 13.0 seconds this extraordinary SUV had run up to 200 km. Peak speed of more than 330 km / hr. So that the owner of one of the five X6 units Hurricane G POWER RS V10s available in the world can enjoy the fastest speed with a series of comprehensive safety features, shaped front and rear spoiler, trimmed for maximum aerodynamic efficiency that provides downforce. G POWER looks elegant with curved wings at the front and rear wheels to make room for 23-inch G-POWER Silverstone RS 11Jx23 details 12Jx23 in front and behind. Alloy coatings in pairs round of Michelin tires to ensure optimal traction and control of the SUV driving this sport.

Bringing G POWER V10 RS X6 cyclone from its peak back to zero velocity is a task of high-tech brake system equipped with a 410 mm carbon ceramic brake discs and six piston calipers. This system allows slowdown better than the pull of gravity, while at the same time this system provides weight savings of 50% compared with the standard brake system.

How to Get a Good Deal on an Expensive Car

While the sticker price of a new luxury car is always going to be higher than the sticker price of an economy car, you may be able to negotiate a better deal on the luxury car. Reason? For one, there's less profit margin built into the price of an economy car - or even a mid-priced car, for that matter. If the MSRP sticker price is, say, $15,000 - the dealer's cost (what he paid the manufacturer for the vehicle) is probably not much lower than that figure. If he sells cars for less than he paid to acquire them, he probably won't be in business very long.

Even with factory-to-dealer rebates - which compensate the dealer for a "below invoice" sales price - there's usually not more than a couple thousand dollars' worth of "wiggle room" on the bottom line price of the typical economy car.

But with luxury cars, it's a different story. The MSRP sticker price you see is usually pretty well-padded - often by as much as 15-20 percent or more. This is especially true of luxury SUVs - which are typically higher-trim versions of non-luxury counterparts (and thus, less expensive to build than a luxury car that does not share a chassis and other major parts with an already-existing "cousin").

For example, the Lincoln Navigator SUV is basically a higher-trim/better-equipped version of the Ford Expedition SUV. There may be as much as $10,000 profit margin built into the sticker price of such a vehicle - and thus, a great deal more "wiggle room" to negotiate a lower price.

Other factors that make it possible to get a better deal on certain luxury-brand vehicles include:

Current market position

Some brands have to be more aggressive with incentives such as cash back offers, rebates, special low-rate financing, etc. in order to lure customers away from competitors.

General Motors' Cadillac division is an excellent "case in point." After several years of declining sales and decreasing market share, it has completely revamped its entire model lineup to more effectively compete with brands like BMW, Lexus and Audi, etc. But in order to get BMW, Lexus and Audi buyers to take a look at its latest offerings, Cadillac has had to put some very tempting offers on the table - including (at the time of this writing) as much as $5,000 cash back on the XLR retractable hardtop roadster and $4,000 cash back on the full-size DTS sedan. Special low-rate financing deals are also available. (For more information about GM's latest offers, go here).

Lincoln is another brand that is currently struggling to rebuild its market position - and is thus offering some great deals on various models, including (at the time of this writing) as much as $6,500 discounts on the full-size Town Car sedan, special lease deals on the entry-luxury MKZ sedan ($339 per month for 39 months) and up to $3,000 cash back on the Navigator luxury SUV. For more information about Lincoln's latest offers, go here).

Chrysler's troubles can work to consumers' benefit, too. The struggling automaker is offering $3,500 cash back on the 300-series luxury sedan, including versions equipped with the Hemi V-8 engine. (Info on current offers may be found here).

The flip side of this is that brands that are doing well - Lexus, for example - are less likely to be interested in haggling over price. They don't need to, so they don't.


Part of what drives the price of a luxury car (up or down) is its perceived exclusivity; thus, models that have just come onto the market (or which have just been substantially updated) will typically have less-negotiable prices. The dealer tells you what you'll pay - take it or leave it. If you don't buy, the person behind you probably will. Thus, the sticker price of the just-launched hybrid version of the Lexus LS sedan is not one you'll be likely to haggle much over.

On the other hand, when a given model has been out for awhile - or there's a newer/updated version on deck - the "exclusivity factor" wanes and the price suddenly becomes more negotiable. For example, Infiniti's G35 luxury-sport sedan/coupe has been significantly updated for the 2008 model year - and '08 models are becoming available at dealerships. However, it's still only halfway through the '07 model year - and there are plenty of 2007 G35s still awaiting buyers. You can be sure that the deal on an '07 G35 will be more favorable than the terms you'd be able to wrangle on an '08.

Here's where it pays to keep abreast of new model changeovers by reading industry trade publications, such as Automotive News (www.carmild.com), as well as car enthusiast's magazines such as Road & Track, Car & Driver and so on.

Footnote: Some of the best deals you'll find are on luxury cars (and brands) trying to establish themselves as "luxurious." Perhaps the best case-in-point here is VW's Phaeton ultra-luxury sedan. This model - equipped with a 12-cylinder engine and every bit the equal, in terms of amenities, features, power and refinement, etc. of equivalent BMWs, Audis and Mercedes-Benzes - was heavily discounted relative to those cars simply because VW isn't perceived as a "premium" brand.

The same is true of brand such as Hyundai - which will soon offer a V-8 powered high-end luxury sedan (in 2008) designed to compete with top-tier Japanese models from Lexus , Acura and so on. But Hyundai will be forced to offer much better deals in order to get buyers to take a look - even though its new luxury sedan (if prior experience is prologue) is sure to be a very credible alternative to the mainline, already-established Japanese luxury car brands.

Slightly used

Depreciation affects almost every new car, but luxury cars tend to suffer the most because their initial value is more inflated. It is not uncommon for a luxury car to lose 20-30 percent of its "sticker price value" during its first year on the road. Thus, great deals are available on slightly used luxury cars - which will still look and drive just like brand-new examples and in most cases still have the majority of their factory warranties in effect.

A side benefit here is that any "bugs" (for example, minor electrical glitches with complex systems such as DVD players, GPS units, electrical accessories/gadgets, etc.) will likely have already cropped up and been dealt with before you acquire the vehicle. Modern luxury cars are enormously complex and it is not uncommon for brand-new models to be plagued by minor (but still annoying) "little things" during the first few months of ownership. Buying a car after someone else has dealt with these gremlins can save you hassle as well as money.

Generally, domestic-brand luxury cars depreciate faster (and more precipitously) than import brand-luxury cars - so that's where you'll find some of the best values. But this is not always true. And within a given brand, some models will hold their value much better than others. A good way to research depreciation trends is to check current lease rates on the cars you're interested in. The monthly payment on a lease is in part based on the so-called "residual value" - i.e., what the car is expected to be worth at the end of the lease period. Cars (and brands) with lower residual values are expected to lose their value more quickly, etc.

Or simply shop around; you'll very quickly discover which makes/models of luxury car are better (or worse) values a year or two after they leave the showroom.

Skoda Joyster version will be released soon

Skoda launches Joyster Concept at Paris Motor Show and is scheduled to be launched in 2012. The possibility of this car will compete with Toyota iQ, Peugeot 107 and similar to the super-mini MPV Roomster. Joyster equipped with features that resemble the style of glass planes and bold chrome grille. Inside, the newcomer is equipped with a docking station for a laptop, internet connection, the chair can be turned into blankets and removable storage pouch on the back of the chair. Powerful LED headlights and a pair of folding chairs in the back that can be used as a picnic supplies. We want to build cars with the latest technology and youth through practical solutions "said chief designer Jens Manske."

Joyster is a car that uses front engine, front wheel drive setup. Although details have not been confirmed power train, Skoda's new model is expected to be offered in two choices of engine variants, namely, three-cylinder petrol and diesel 1.0-liter three-cylinder 1.2. In terms of CO2 emissions, is expected to come up with Skoda Joyster

80g/km output for diesel and less than 100g/km for the petrol. We can officially confirm that this concept will go into production and soon became the cheapest model in its class, because we will sell at a price of about Rp. 103 900 000, -.

Last weekend, German carmaker Volkswagen has also announced the revival of Lupo's name with a new small car that will be the vehicles that entered the market in spring 2012, along with Skoda Joyster

Honda CR-Z Concept Car is Environmentally Friendly

Honda is always innovating to deliver environmentally friendly solutions in accordance with the needs of modern society. Honda CR-Z is the first car that combines sporty concept with eco-friendly hybrid technology. The car that has become one of the best seller in the world to be the main display arena IIMS Honda in 2010 which lasted from July 23 until August 1 next. Honda CR-Z combines three driving modes are Sports, Econ and normal controls. For Econ mode, can be activated when the car drove in a constant state of making engines that power flowed only produce IMA battery so that fuel consumption can be minimized.

To view affairs need not doubt. Sporty impression is very strong, this can be seen from the wide wheelbase and wide front grille made. View more sporty feel when the legs of 17-inch Alloy wheels supported MacPherson front suspension and H-torsion beam in back. For business pacemaker kitchen, Honda CR-Z brought the 1500cc i-VTEC engine equipped with a hybrid-electric system, Intregrated Motor Assist (IMA). Kitchen Performance CR-Z hybrid pacemaker capable of producing maximum power 122 HP at 6000 RPM rotation.

Besides displaying the Honda CR-Z as the solution of environmental vehicles, Honda is also showing off a concept car that Honda's New Small Car Concept. The car was first introduced at Auto Expo 2010 in New Delhi, India. The car carrying the concept of Efficient Exterior Eneretic was featured with a dynamic front fenders and wide platform with a low gravity point. The draft provided to make this car can accommodate five passengers inside

2011 Toyota Alphard with Queens of The Magical

2011 Toyota Alphard with Queens of The Magical, Dream land .. Queens of The Magical place on their find quality time with the Kings. A wonderous Mystery Nowhere in sleeping beauties smile on their sleep through a thousand miles of sweet kisses.

Where an adventurous child, WHO Unable to sit in one place, has the freedom to fly. A kingdom Nowhere rulse a king and his court back-seat knight. Thus, it is in the world of Alphard Nowhere Every dream abides.