In this city all quite legally is possible that everywhere is forbidden. Prostitution, unisex marriages and easy drugs are resolved. The grass, «space mushrooms» and other means of change of consciousness will be offered you in any coffee-shop (alcohol, by the way, far not in any, on alcohol it is necessary the special licence).
Justifying the name, coffee there will offer too, and to it coffee you can take hashish, though it and not the most interesting point of the menu.
However I would not recommend to you after the arrival in a city immediately to go to "narcotic travel" or to quarter of Red lanterns. While your brains still perceive realities, it is necessary to pay attention to tulips, windmills, royal parks, brewery Heineken and on other sights and museums.

In general museums here at every turn: judges of painting on-advantage will concern visiting of the state museum (with «Night patrol» Rembrandt), Rembrandt's museum (in which, in general, only «Night patrol» and does not suffice), Van Gogh's picture gallery, a municipal museum.
Here — Anna Frank's museum, a wax museum of madam Tussaud (branch London), other unusual museums: Bibles, a political cartoon film, marihuana, tropics, cats. The sex museum too is, but against live exhibits not especially impresses.
And sex and drugs it is possible and then. If insist...