The park has some artificial lakes, a considerable quantity of the avenues, two ice skating rinks, corners of the untouched wild nature and the lawns used for various sports meets, and also children's playgrounds and the zoo.
The 10-kilometre road surrounding park, is often used by runners, bicyclists and scooters, especially in the days off and after 7 o'clock in the evening when automobile movement is forbidden. The central park often name green lungs of Manhattan.
The government of the State of New York has appointed the special Commission on the Central park for supervision over building, and in 1857 the commission has arranged competition on design of a landscape.

Between 1860 and 1873 years park building have a little suspended, and the most part of the basic ideas should be reconsidered. At this time more than 14 000 м3 the fertile earth it has been delivered from the State of New Jersey as the local earth was not optimum for many trees, bushes and other plants provided by the initial plan. When in 1873 park building has been officially finished, more than 10 million carts of a material, including the earth and a stone, have been dug out and taken out from territory. Here have been included more than 4 million trees, bushes and other plants representing approximately 1 500 kinds.