Toyota Corolla Altis new faces have started to be marketed in May 2010 and in Europe. Although still carrying the same machine, but it looks more fresh made. Look at the front bumper design, as well as upper and lower grille. Also included new headlights.
Altis Grill 2000 cc facelift uses two chrome trim. Accents that give the impression of Altis as a car that likes racing. But not only that, the bumper design was also changed. Design Altis 2000 cc facelift more commensurate with chrome trim.
Besides design changes and Sein rim on the rear view mirror, on the stern of the brake lights also changed the style, as well as license plate holder and bumpers. While stoplamp Altis 2000 cc facelift more oval than 2000 cc of the previous Altis. Accents Sein circle as a marker lights or lamps do not miss the stop sign by the designer. Another difference appears in foglamp home design. Toyota Altis facelift adopt a rather large house. Does not seem difficult to recognize. Old and new models still carry the scent of a sporty yet dynamic. Now get into the cabin, the touch occurred on the steering wheel, as well as an elegant silver tone on the instrument panel, center console and lock button, and a layer of a more comfortable seat.
Toyota also pin a new feature, so that the owners New Altis will not bother to open the trunk because the trunk opening system in a wireless remote control terintegasi
Além de New Fiesta, outra provável atração do Salão do Automóvel de São Paulo é o novo Jetta que vem para disputar mercado com o Honda Civic e Toyota Corolla.
O novo Jetta vem com motor 2.0, na versão mais básica, com 120 cv de potência, o mesmo motor utilizado pelo Bora, este que aliás sai de cena. Provavelmente seu preço fica entre R$ 65.000 e R$ 70.000. O novo Jetta também terá o motor 2.0 TSI com 200 cv com turbo e injeção direta
Unleaded regular's hovering around $2.70 per gallon - high, but manageable. What if it goes back up to over $3 per gallon - or even $4 - which we now ought to know it could and very well may. Perhaps with next to no notice, too.
Are you prepared for that if it should happen? Many of us - probably most of us - aren't. Here are a few things to think about in the way of hedging your bets and insulating yourself and your family from the economic shocks that could very well be just around the corner:
Evaluate your fleet - If you currently drive a gas-hungry vehicle, the time to consider replacing it with a more efficient one is before gas-hungry vehicles become virtually worthless overnight - as would happen if gas prices head south of $4 per gallon.
The car market is like the real estate market - sometimes bearish, sometimes bullish. People who are driving 17 mpg SUVs and pick-ups when gas prices suddenly spike will be left holding the keys to vehicles almost no one else wants, either.
Meanwhile, it'll be a seller's market for fuel-efficient cars. Those who don't have one will pay top dollar to get one.
Act pre-emptively and you'll come out on top. Fail to act and you'll be stuck with a vehicle that may cost $100 to fill-up that isn't worth a third of what you paid for it.
If you absolutely must have a truck because of the work that you do or the area where you live, consider buying a diesel-powered pick-up to replace your gas-burning one. It's true diesels cost more to buy - and the fuel is often more expensive than gas. But at $4 or $5 per gallon, the economics of owning a diesel truck that gets 30 mpg vs. a gas truck that's in the teens backflips in your favory. Plus, a diesel-powered vehicle can last two or three times as long as an otherwise similar gas-powered vehicle. If you only have to buy a new vehicle once every ten or 12 years vs. once every eight or so, that'll save you some bucks, too.
* Pare down your fleet - Many families have more vehicles than people. That's fine, provided you can easily afford all those vehicles - and not just the cost to feed them fuel. People often forget all the peripheral costs of ownership, like insurance, taxes and, of course, necessary maintenance. If you keep multiple vehicles, the total costs can end up being quite high - even if you're not actually driving the cars much.
you can get by with two cars instead of three - or one car instead of two - the savings now can be considerable. And they'll be even more so in a world of $4 gasoline.
Another savvy move is to cash out the equity you may have in excess vehicles. By selling off a surplus car or two, you can sock away several thousand dollars - which could come in very handy on the day that fuel prices rocket to a buck (or three) more per gallon than they are right now.
Investing in a low-bucks used economy car is another smart move. The glitter surrounding a new electric car or hybrid may be dazzling - but it'll take many years to work off the cost ($41k for a new Chevy Volt) of buying one, even at $4 or $5 per gallon. A $4,000 used Corolla that gets 35 miles per gallon could ease the pinch of $50 fill-ups considerably.
* Evaluate your job/where you work -Many of us spend two hours (or more) every workday getting from home to our jobs and back home again. We bought into this because of the math. The lower cost of living in the 'burbs offset the cost of fuel spent commuting, etc.
But the equation changes when gas prices double or triple. All of a sudden, instead of spending $40 per week for fuel, you might be spending $80. For many families, the additional unexpected expense might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. And there's a double-whammy involved. Once gas prices sail past $4 per gallon, those far-flung suburban homes become less and less desirable - and their value falls.
This is already happening. But if we get to $4 or $5 fuel, the downturn in the housing market could become a collapse. Few people can afford a big mortgage - and $400 per month for gas on top of it.
So if you're already close to the edge, money-wise, and know that a significant increase in your commuting costs could put extreme stress on your budget - begin thinking about options before a theoretical risk becomes an immediate crisis. Ask about tele-commuting (if possible). Discuss ride-sharing with co-workers and friends. Maybe even consider moving closer to where you work. Once we get to $4 or $5 gas, your options will not be nearly as good as they are now.
* Save elsewhere - None of us can control the cost of fuel; if the sign says $4 per gallon and we need to fill up, that's what we'll pay. However, we do have control over other expenses. And we can compensate for increased energy costs by reducing what we spend on other things.
Many of us, for example, could easily get by without things like video cell phones and PDAs. Sure, electronic gadgets are fun - and handy. But the question should be: Are they necessary? And if the answer is "no" then the next question ought to be: Do I prefer having some money in the bank to cushion against possible upticks in energy costs (which can't be evaded) or am I willing to risk being strapped for money if that happens in order to have the gadgets I want but don't really need?
The more money you have in the bank - and the lower your monthly expenses for other things - the less $4 or $5 per gallon fuel can hurt you.
Although Hyundai posted the highest sales increase in China market, where sales have jumped more than 150 percent last month, the Korean largest automaker also increased its sales in Afric and Middle East and Africa.
According to the KAMA - Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association, Hyundai shipped 17.528 vehicles to African countries last month, while at the same, it exported more than 46.000 units to the Middle East (plus 83.8% from a year ago).
The beginning of the year was tough for Hyundai as the automaker experienced slumping sales, but recently ( July-September period), Korean carmaker experienced a sharp turnaround! Year on year exports to the Middle East jumped 38 percent to 106.132 units, while shipments to Africa rose 25% to 44,253.
The outlook for the Hyundai brand is good. The automaker will introduce new models next year and it also plans to spend more money on marketing in the region (Africa and Middle East).
O novo Fiesta ou New Fiesta, como a Ford denominou, chega ainda este mês no Brasil. O New Fiesta é fabricado no México e trazido para cá, com o acordo entre Brasil e México os impostos são isentos.
O novo Fiesta, que vem para o Brasil, é o mesmo mandado para as três américas. Ele disputará mercado com o Honda City, Volkswagen Polo Sedã e Peugeot 207 Passion.
O motor utilizado é um Sigma 1.6 flex com 110 cv quando abastecido com gasolina e 115 cv quando abastecido a álcool.
O New Fiesta vem apenas na versão sedã e traz de série ar-condicionado, vidros elétricos, travas elétricas, direção elétrica, mp3 player, alarme, computador de bordo e rodas de liga 15 polegadas.
O Fiesta vem apenas na versão SE. Os preços partem de R$ 49.900 para a versão mais simples, caso queira colocar ABS o preço salta para R$ 51.150. Na versão mais completa que traz além do ABS o revestimento em couro e sete airbags o preço sai por R$ 54.900.
If being on the road finds you often "overheated," try using a Car Cooler to cool things down. You can use car coolers for everyday travel, in fact. Unlike conventional coolers, which can render cold drinks hot and hot drinks cold, a car cooler can really deliver what it promises.
What Do You Use Car Coolers for? - Car coolers can make travel much more convenient. Small babies or children especially can be difficult to travel with, and a car cooler can make bottles stay warm and snacks stay cold when necessary. These coolers don't use ice, either, but instead use your car's cigarette lighter for power. That means there's no mess of melting ice. What you have is a portable fridge that's convenient, streamlined, and neat. These can have amenities like insulated cup holders and room for dry items, too, meaning that you can use them for any type of storage -- even for wipes and diapers if necessary.
If you drive a van, this type of cooler can be convenient, because cold drinks and snacks can be there when you need them. No need to stop for meals on the road or to do the "drive-through" unhealthy option. Stay on the road, get more done, and be more efficient. If you have a little car, a car cooler will give you much more storage space. Car coolers can give you lots of advantages, so why go on the road without one?
Brands and Features - Igloo 2707 Kool Cruiser holds a maximum load of 18 quarts and is tall enough to take on up to 3 liter bottles. The little wonder is lightweight yet cools up to 40°F below outdoor temperature and operates quietly. The lightweight grey-white cooler boasts of a replaceable thermoelectric lid. The unit comes with a 12 VDC power. This can be adjusted to cool/warm function. The problem with this cooler is the need to frequently replace the motor.
The Koolatron challenges the Igloo line of travel coolers. It does not need frequent motor replacements. But the lid starts to show signs of chipping with the constant opening and closing of the cooler. This is not a problem if the cooler is not used frequently. The Koolatron is hooked to the car's 12 volt cigarette lighter adapter. But in some vehicles, this can cause overheating, similar to the Igloo traveling cooler. Kolatroon keeps a cool temperature at 40° F.
The Wagan EL 2577 7-liter fridge/warmer is next in line, with both drinks and food kept at perfect temperatures. No ice needed to keep food and snacks at the perfect temperature, so you can have more room for actual food and drink. This is perfect for families who are on the go all the time.
How to Choose Your Cooler - With a long road trip ahead, whether you've got little ones with you or not, car coolers can make things much easier. Instead of stopping often for food or making unhealthy and expensive "drive-through" fast food choices, you can stay on the road and save your money. A hard cooler is best for long trips.
Soft coolers will do well for short trips, where you need to pack just a few bottles of cold juice or sandwiches. Soft coolers do have the tendency to leak, which means they're not Best Cooler for all situations. In addition, consider how many people are going to be using the cooler. There are lots of Travel Cooler designs available, as well as different sizes and brands. With so much choice, you should have no problem meeting your needs. Which cooler is best for you?
Design duet Dolce & Gabbana has created a gold bottle for Martini. Vermouth will differ not only stylish packing, but also an original taste. For Martini Gold have been used: lemons and oranges from Sicily, a saffron from Spain, ginger from India, pepper from Indonesia and bergamot from Calabria.
Martini Gold by D&G
To taste Martini Gold will be already possible in September when Vermouth will appear in shops.
A Ford traz para o Brasil o Ford Fusion híbrido, o carro será apresentado no Salão do Automóvel de São Paulo que acontece no fim de outubro e inicio de novembro.
O Fusion híbrido trabalha com dois motores um motor 2.5 de 4 cilindros a gasolina com 158 cv e um outro motor elétrico com 36 cv abastecido por uma bateria de 275V.
O motor elétrico trabalha sempre que o carro esta a menos de 75 km/h e não esta sendo acelerado, depois disto o motor a gasolina começa a trabalhar. Para economizar ainda mais combustível a transmissão utilizada pela Ford é a iVCT (transmissão continuamente variável).
Segundo a Ford o Fusion Hybrid faz em perímetros urbanos 15,3 km/h e em estradas pode chegar a fazer 17,4 km/h e o fato que mais chama a atenção é que ele tem uma autonomia que pode chegar a 1.120 km.
Há um ano atrás a Porsche lançava seu esportivo de 4 portas, hoje ele recebe um kits de performance e personalização.
Ele agora tem a sua disposição dois turbocompressores que elevem sua potencia de 500 cv para 540 cv o fazendo ir de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,9 segundos chegando a velocidade máxima de 305 km/h.
Mas as mudanças não ficaram apenas na performance, ele recebeu novas saias difusores de ar e grades frontais. O Panamera conta também com novas rodas de 20 polegadas nas cores preta ou prata. Porsche Panamera ganha kits para performance
Há um ano atrás a Porsche lançava seu esportivo de 4 portas, hoje ele recebe um kits de performance e personalização.
Ele agora tem a sua disposição dois turbocompressores que elevem sua potencia de 500 cv para 540 cv o fazendo ir de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,9 segundos chegando a velocidade máxima de 305 km/h.
Mas as mudanças não ficaram apenas na performance, ele recebeu novas saias difusores de ar e grades frontais. O Panamera conta também com novas rodas de 20 polegadas nas cores preta ou prata.
There's an easy, uncomplicated - and entirely voluntary - way we could cut our gas consumption by a third our more, without federal fuel efficiency dictates or pocket-picking gas tax hikes. All that's needed is a reality check. By which I mean the 85-90 percent of us who don't need and never use the power/capability of 300 horsepower, 140 mph and 0-60 in 6 seconds vehicles revert - on our own initiative - to driving vehicles more in tune with that everyday reality.
As an enthusiast driver, I'm all for high-powered, high-performance machinery and would never support a ban or punitive measures or threatening regulations directed against them. That said, there are a whole lot of people out there - probably upwards of 80 percent of the driving public - who are driving such machines at not much more than the posted speed limit (no more than 75 mph in every state except Texas) and who rarely, if ever, use even 75 percent of their vehicle's built-in capability.
Does the typical driver motoring along at 65 mph need a 300 horsepower sport sedan that can easily hit 140? Wouldn't such a driver be just as well-served by a 200 horsepower V-6? That power level, incidentally, was above the rated output of virtually every V-8 engine built for most of the last half of the 1970s and well into the 1980s. We managed to get by.
How about the suburban mom shuttling kids to soccer practice in her superized, 5,000 pounder 4x4 SUV - skid plates and Hill Descent Control, brush bars and all? It's nice to have I guess - if you can afford it. But many of us are buying into advertising hype and buying far more capability than we'll ever need or use.
Consider: The average 2010 model year family-type car - something like a Toyota Camry sedan - has as much or more power than the highest-powered muscle cars of the mid-1980s. The Camry's 3.5 liter V-6, for example, has almost 270 horsepower. That is 80 more horsepower than a 5.0 liter V-8 powered "high output" Camaro Z28 offered back in 1984. And the Camry's 0-60 time (under 7 seconds) is quicker than the mighty '77 Trans-Am (400 cubic inch V-8) featured in the legendary car-chase film, "Smokey and The Bandit."
The typical '10 model year family sedan with a V-6 engine is in the same ballpark, 0-60 wise, as most '60s and '70s-era V-8 muscle cars- and has a much higher top speed capability, thanks to better aerodynamics and overdrive gearing. We're in the midst of a horsepower race, all right - but unlike the '60s and '70s, no one's going anywhere fast. American consumers have bought into the image of cars, even though few of us want to (or are even willing to) use them as advertised.
Ask yourself: When was the last time you were able to drive faster than 100 mph? Have you ever even driven 100 mph, for that matter? If not, what is the point of owning a car capable of doing 130 or 140 mph? Even if you are so inclined, when will the opportunity arise? It is virtually impossible to drive faster than 80 mph or so for any length of time in and around most of America's major urban/suburban areas - where most of the country's population is. And even if you could do it, it is usually illegal. In most states, driving significantly faster than 80 mph can put you at risk of jail - not just a big ticket. Again - reality check.
Same with all these absurdly over-capable $50,000 SUVs one sees filling up shopping mall parking spots and suburban driveways all over the land. If you genuinely need a two-speed transfer case and the ability to slog through deep mud and unplowed drifts of snow, there is nothing finer than a real-deal 4x4. But if you don't - then ... why?
An all-wheel-drive wagon of "crossover" (even a good front-wheel-drive car with decent all-season tires) would probably suit you just as well 99 percent of the time - and return much better mileage, too. Need to tow a boat to your slip? Unless you're doing that more than a couple of times each year, why not rent or borrow a big rig to handle that job when you need to - and the remaining 360-something days of the year, drive something more in line with how you actually live? Reality check.
And what about people who don't even pretend to be enthusiast drivers? That's got to be at least half of all new car buyers. Just ordinary folks who don't even think about driving faster than the posted limit. They don't jam the pedal to the floor and hold it there, or do burnouts or race other cars stoplight to stoplight. How many Camry/Accord/Malibu drivers have a real need for serious speed? So what do they need a close-to-300 horsepower engine for?
It's one thing to burn up a tank of $3 per gallon unleaded premium tearing down some fine back country road or hauling down a freeway at 80-plus, radar detector on ful alert. It's another thing entirely to suck it down idling in stop-and-go suburban traffic or cruise-controlling it to the office at 45 mph.
Bottom line: If we don't take the initiative, it's going to be taken for us.
Either the government is going to hit us with punitive taxes, or the oil companies are going to hit us with punitive fuel costs. It's in our own best interests to stop wasting fuel just for the sake of wasting it.
The primary goal of programs of loyalty is to entice buyers into shop or shopping centre. The basic tool — "marking" of certain buyers from a lump of buyers and granting to the given buyers of possibility to get certain advantages at purchase in comparison with the others. "Allocated" can be from several tens to several hundreds thousand persons, depending on what point initiated the loyalty program — luxury restaurant or a huge supermarket. "The marked buyer" it's the potential client owning the target free shipping coupon or a personal discount card. Thus, "marks" are an original marketing trick for increase in sales.
In the form of encouragement can act: discounts for the subsequent purchases, accumulation of points (which can be transformed further into free privileges), special attention to the participant of the program, the preliminary notification about the beginning of special sales, dispatch of information leaflets with programs and news etc.
Variants of Discount Coupons
Sales on which it is possible to buy a dress from the known fashion designer for 20 dollars, not a rarity in the USA. If you do not like to stand in a queue, take advantage of so-called programs of loyalty: Sales Coupons, Discount or Club Cards, Target Coupons & Coupon Codes.
Thus, the forthcoming trip to the shop will be brightened up by a discount anticipation in $5~10US. For example, the home depot coupon code is the ideal decision for people owning a private farmstead because by means of the given coupons you considerably save on a building material.
Loyal programs should cause special interest for owners of shops networks. At competent calculation of system of discounts, it is possible to interest the consumer to carry out the majority of purchases only in certain shops.
The big holdings sometimes practise simultaneous maintenance at once several programs of the loyalty, directed on various groups of buyers. So, the tourist company «Expedia Travel» has create about 7,5 million Expedia coupon which will allow to save the next 2 years to buyers about 600 million dollars on booking of apartments through the Internet.
Various systems of maintenance of loyalty is very powerful mechanism of encouragement and stimulation of buyers. In my opinion, introduction of such programs will favorably affect sales.
New research of asserts, in the European hotels not especially love conditioners and prefer to arrange to lodgers "warm reception". Is especially hot in hotels of northern countries of Europe.
The Madrid hotels the most cooled
According to research, for tourists the most comfortable in hotels of Madrid (conditioners in 72,7% of apartments), Athenes (69,1% of the conditioned apartments), Budapest (66,7%) and Rome (66,6%). Is worse affairs in Paris (38,6%), Prague (37,9%), Warsaw (23,2%) and London (26,3%) are. In Moscow of only 23% of hotel rooms are equipped by conditioners. Thus, hotel reservation needs to be begun with stock-taking of the conditioned apartments (certainly depending on the country).
On last place in the TOP — Stockholm. Only 13,3% of local hotels have conditioners in apartments. It can be justified because in the Swedish capital seldom happens hot summer. Nevertheless, in summer 2010 many of tourists in Stockholm suffer from absence of the conditioned apartments.
Is necessary note, conditioner presence in apartments does not mean, that the conditioner will function. Sometimes hotels save an electricity and conditioners include seasonally — for example, from the middle of June. It's especially actual for cheap hotel, thus take it into consideration reserving cheap apartments.
A Ford apresentou a série especial do Mustang, a Boss 302, a série é um aperfeiçoamento da série lançada em 1969, que fez nome nas pistas da época.
O nome 302 vem da medida utilizada nos anos 70 nos Estados Unidos que representa as cilindradas cubicas.
O Mustang Boss 302 vem com motor V8 de 5 litros que tinha 412 cv em 69 agora terá 440 cv. Ele vem em duas cores como na época.
Para competir com o BMW M3 recebeu freios e suspenção esportivas, melhorias na aerodinâmica e cambio de 6 marchas. A direção pode ser programada de três formas conforto, normal e esporte.
Batteries are the single most important component within a car. Long after you have turned the engine off, batteries are continually supplying many electrical components with the power they need, such as; engine management systems, sat nav, alarm, clock, radio memory, and more. Due to this demand, batteries can become drained in a matter of weeks if not maintained in the correct manner by either driving the vehicle long enough to replace lost charge or by the use of a battery charger.
When planning to not use your vehicle for extended periods, checking and boosting every 30 - 60 days is simply not enough to guarantee your battery will not self-discharge to a critical level. This 'under charging' results in 'sulphation' if the battery voltage is allowed to drop and remain below 12.4 volts. This sulphation is the hardening of the lead plates within the battery and it reduces the battery's ability to accept or hold a charge. This is where we would then recommend the use of a charger to maintain the charge in a battery.
Charging - There are a few different methods of charging to maintain a battery:
1. Charge with a regular battery charger. Downside of this is that often these aren't automatic and do not turn themselves off when full charge is reached. If left unattended a battery can become 'boiled dry' from overcharging. The battery becomes extremely dangerous due to highly explosive gasses produced from charging at a high rate and the casing becoming very warm introducing a fire risk.
2. Trickle charging. This is where the charging device provides the connected battery a low steady charge. Drawback of this method is that these will only give out a constant low charge which is often not enough to keep a battery above the critical voltage of 12.4 volts. In essence they may maintain a good battery but not recharge it if the voltage level becomes too low.
3. Battery conditioners. At Windrush Car Storage we connect all vehicles to a battery conditioner. These are fully automatic battery chargers, which monitor, charge and maintain the battery without the risk of overcharging. These can be left switched on and connected for long periods of time (years) without the risk of gassing or overheating. Simply the best of both of the above.
Battery maintenance - Before connecting a charger it is advisable to be aware of a few basic points;
1. Make sure battery fluid level is between the minimum and maximum marks, if the battery isn't a sealed unit. Top up with distilled or de-ionised water (the acid in the battery doesn't need replacing since it is not consumed).
2. Clean battery terminals and lead connectors with a wire brush, ensure the positive and negative leads make a good fit to each of the terminal posts and use a dedicated battery terminal spray or petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
Note: Before disconnecting the battery, ensure that you have the relevant code for the radio if required. This will need to be entered for the radio to function on re-connection of the battery.