Luxury limo stretches the image of Hyundai
Its name once synonymous with cheap cars, Hyundai continues to strive for its luxury credentials. Now the Korean brand is taking aim at Mercedes-Benz and BMW with a stretched version of the Equus, its luxury flagship.
To create its limousine, Hyundai extended the Equus sedan's wheelbase 11.8 inches to about 132 inches--longer than stretched-wheelbase versions of the Mercedes S-class and BMW 7-series sedans.
The Equus Limousine is on sale in South Korea at prices ranging from about $113,700 to $123,100. That's right: almost a buck and a quarter for a Hyundai.
The Hyundai Equus Limousine outstretches a Mercedes and a BMW.
(Credit: Automotive News
Orders are being taken, even though no production date has been announced for the limousine. But three bulletproof models have been built for service at South Korea's presidential palace.
The Equus shares a rear-drive platform with the Hyundai Genesis sedan. U.S. sales of the nonstretched version of the Equus begin late next year, with an expected sticker price under $60,000. Hyundai Motor America won't comment on possible U.S. sales of the Equus Limousine.
Hyundai Accent 2009
Jaguar XK8 and XKR Rear Suspension Issues
The XK8 Jaguar XKR and suspension systems used are generally very strong. General Assembly and the parties in the system have demonstrated the Jaguar X300, which is based on the system, the Jaguar XJ40 is more fundamental. However, the problem started at the XK8 XKR owners should be aware at this time. For now, the key issues associated with the Jaguar XK8 and XKR rear suspension mount:
CATS (Computer Active Technology Suspension) system
Although the old X300 rear design, new changes are a basic introduction to the cat. This will improve the comfort and handling of the car with springs and adaptive stiffness adjusted with electronic dampers under electronic surveillance increased. Sensors in the front and back of the car off the road and the conditions of handling and editing of electronic shock absorber to soften or stiffen the suspension. With the default boot stiffer springs, parameters, and then softened into smooth road. Parameters that are affected in the parameter, changing the micro-braking, cornering and road conditions the car.
XK8 problem XKR suspension /
If you have a machine does not work with cats and back effectively, problems with electrical connections utilizing a shock. Over time, the shock body could turn means that the electrical connections can be deleted. This could include the exchange of the game in shock.
As in other areas in the XK8 / XKR changes are not as easy as it seems in shock. At first, open the rear suspension and lowered several inches. A special spring compressor is needed to free the slim design of the damper spring. Spring compressed properly, the focus by the pin, who understood the situation. If this happens, a serious lack of space in the region and the bottom of the obstructive spring compressor, this will be cut by a small angle grinder
To remove the rear bumper, connecting rods must be removed with safety-plate frame. Remove the bolt connecting the damper spring
Maruti, Hyundai keep up festive cheer
Recording an eight straight rise, domestic car sales grew 21% in September at 1.29 lakh units as against 1.07 lakh units in the same month last year, figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (Siam) said. Thirteen of the 16 car carmakers saw sales going up in September, the exceptions being Mahindra Renault, Mercedes Benz and Toyota Kirloskar.
In the first half of the financial year, local car sales have increased 14.8% to 689,339 vehicles. In August, car sales were up 26%, while July saw a 31% jump. The resurgence in demand has been led by government's stimulus packages, including tax cuts, apart from lowering of interest rates by banks who till last year were hawkish in extending loans, which were also expensive.
Maruti Suzuki India
India's biggest carmaker posted a 12% sales increase in passenger car sales to 71,368 units compared with 63,917 units in 2008.
Sales of the company's once bread-and-butter model M800 declined by 7.5% at 3,207 units compared to 3,467 units in September 2008, while the A2 segment (comprising Alto, Wagon R, Estilo, Swift, A-Star and Ritz) witnessed growth of 15.1% at 52,508 units compared to 45,621 units in the same month a year ago, the company said in a press release.
The A3 segment sales (consisting of SX4 and DZiRE) decreased 0.8% to 7,356 units compared to 7,413 units in the corresponding period last year, the company said. The production of its mid-sized Sedan SX4 was halted during the month for a change over to an upgraded version.
Sales of the company's once bread-and-butter model M800 declined by 7.5% at 3,207 units compared to 3,467 units in September 2008, while the A2 segment (comprising Alto, Wagon R, Estilo, Swift, A-Star and Ritz) witnessed growth of 15.1% at 52,508 units compared to 45,621 units in the same month a year ago, the company said in a press release.
The A3 segment sales (consisting of SX4 and DZiRE) decreased 0.8% to 7,356 units compared to 7,413 units in the corresponding period last year, the company said. The production of its mid-sized Sedan SX4 was halted during the month for a change over to an upgraded version.
The troubled teen — not the diagnosis, it's the temporary period

Symptoms of the troubled teenager
Troubled teen behave with ostentatious independence, openly express the unwillingness to study, they do not have respect for teachers, the authority among contemporaries is won by means of rough physical strength.Such teenagers have every chance to become subsequently criminals because are rejected by collective of schoolmates and in general, — a society as a whole.
One of the prominent features of difficult children — mental immaturity, backlog from standards of age mentality. Excessive suggestibility, inability to correlate the acts with norms of behaviour, weakness of logic thinking is also is very characteristic for troubled teens.
Therapy & Treatment

Mental diseases and patrimonial traumas can be one of the reasons of occurrence of such behaviour among teenagers.
Therefore, even the skilled doctor should have a several times talk with the teenager before to solve: is specifics of character, or psychiatric medical aid is really necessary to the teenager. Only thus the doctor can personify special teen rehab programs and appoint necessary psychiatric therapy.
Only precisely defining the reason of problems of each teenager and creating mutual aspiration for their permission its possible to help difficult teenagers to overcome vital difficulties and to realise their true potential.
Troubled Drama's
Revisão antes de viajar ( Checklist )

Verifique os seguintes itens:
1. Nível do óleo,
2. Nível da água da bateria,
3. Parte elétrica,
4. Calibragem dos pneus (não esqueça do estepe),
5. Itens obrigatórios de segurança,
6. Validade do extintor de incêndio
7. Macaco, triângulo e chave de roda,
8. Lâmpadas - estão funcionando?
9. Água do radiador
10. Fluido de freio
11. Encher o tanque de combustível
12. Encher o depósito de água do limpador de pára-brisa e verificar a paleta do limpa-vidros
13. A documentação está em dia (DUT, IPVA, Seguro Obrigatório)?
14. É sempre bom levar uma lanterna e um Guia 4 Rodas com as principais estradas, restaurantes, hotéis, pousadas, postos de polícia rodoviária, etc..
A cada 500 km rodados é bom verificar o nível do óleo do motor, através da vareta de controle. Para melhor aferição o carro deve estar em locais planos e com o motor frio.
As crianças devem ficar sempre no banco traseiro. As com idade de até 4 anos devem ser transportadas em cadeiras especiais, com cintos próprios. Dos quatro aos 10 anos é recomendado transportá-las sobre uma almofada para o cinto não encostar no pescoço. Bebês, mesmo recém-nascidos, não devem viajar no colo da mãe, pois em caso de colisão a criança pode ser usada como amortecedor no impacto com o painel ou banco da frente. O ideal é transportá-las em cadeirinhas fixadas de costas do sentido do carro.
O motorista também precisa estar descansado e com a saúde em dia. O cansaço e a fadiga diminuem os reflexos e aumentam a probabilidade de acidentes. Antes de viagens e passeios, dormir de 6 a 8 horas é indispensável. Bebidas alcoólicas e direção não combinam. Se deseja beber dois ou mais chopes, viaje na companhia de alguém que também dirija, e não beba. O gerente de Serviços Médicos da Volkswagen, Murilo Alves Moreira, recomenda também que o motorista não tome qualquer medicamento antes de viajar.
É importante usar roupas adequadas às condições climáticas. Prefira uma alimentação leve, à base de carnes brancas, saladas, frutas. Essa dieta, aliás, é a mais adequada para enfrentar altas temperaturas. Em locais com incidência direta de sol, abra mão de legumes e verduras já temperados e muita atenção com frutos do mar. E não se esqueça de tomar muito líquido, de preferência água, água de coco ou sucos de frutas.
Evite sobrecarregar o veículo ou levar objetos pesados e soltos. Além de prejudicar o desempenho do motor, excesso de bagagem pode comprometer a segurança dos ocupantes. Em uma frenagem mais brusca, qualquer objeto colocado sobre o tampão atrás do banco traseiro, por exemplo, é projetado para a frente e pode atingir a cabeça dos passageiros. O cinto de segurança não pode ficar sobre o pescoço. A parte superior do encosto de cabeça deve ficar na altura dos olhos do ocupante do banco para ser protegido contra lesões na coluna cervical e no pescoço.
2010 Hyundai Azera
When high-quality materials in construction and design of the overall sound more impressive considering the safety features, power consumption and high performance, 2010 Azera certainly prove to be a premium suite of truly integrated, but it does not conflict with, especially on account accessible price.Azera GLS is powered by a 3.3-liter V6 with 234 horsepower and produces 226 pounds-feet of torque. Engine power Azera Limited 3.8-liter V6, producing 263 hp and 257 pounds-ft of torque.
All of the current five-speed automatic transmission and function Azera front wheel mechanism. In addition, 3.8-liter V6 spirited acceleration, and the Azera in the year 2010 reached 60 mph in 7.2 seconds (trace test statistics for each record).This is a very roomy vehicle moves, even at high speeds very peaceful. Hyundai Azera also boasts a spacious interior volume and stock more than the other size luxury sedan that many rivals. As with all Hyundai vehicles, the Azera is equipped with an impressive warranty.
2010 Azera will not be fulfilled, except the powers, but also engaged in a solid performance and attractive design elements needed. Is safety a standard feature, more or less remained the same as in 2009 Azera, and the new parts installed on vehicles, improved security and reliability of this impressive capability Sedan.2010 Hyundai Azera will surely become one of the best musicians in his class, but let's wait and see what it is not the type of fuel to really meet the sedan, when the streets around the world, the crusaders for mayor hits 20mpg
2010 Azera will not be fulfilled, except the powers, but also engaged in a solid performance and attractive design elements needed. Is safety a standard feature, more or less remained the same as in 2009 Azera, and the new parts installed on vehicles, improved security and reliability of this impressive capability Sedan.2010 Hyundai Azera will surely become one of the best musicians in his class, but let's wait and see what it is not the type of fuel to really meet the sedan, when the streets around the world, the crusaders for mayor hits 20mpg
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