2011 Nissan Intima luxury sedan, Shown in October last year in Tokyo Nissan Intima luxury sedan will arrive in Beijing as early as Preproduction prototype. Moreover, the nationality of the new sedan will be no Japanese, and Chinese. Because this vehicle will be collected at Celestial, in the power of the AC-Donfeng Nissan.
In fact Nissan Intima - this is not any sedan, but most present NNA compartment. Gradient roof, four seats - a direct competitor Volkswagen Passat CC. But in the technical sophistication Intima qualms zone not only for the Passat CC, but also more expensive Jaguar XF. True, it was not clear whether the serial perekochuyut all of the machines "tar", koimi shocked visitors Tokyo showroom concept-car? Rotational chairs at 80 degrees? The glass roof and cameras instead of rear-view mirrors?
And the engine is not all clear. What will be under the hood of the car serial? Trehlitrovaya environmentally friendly diesel "six"? Alternatively, a more traditional motor gasoline volume 3, 5 liters. Indeed Intima probably will be sold not only in the Chinese market.
And in Celestial, by the way, is not particularly diesel engines Govorukhin. As in the United States. And in Europe, in contrast, does not perceive big sedans. If it is not only the products of German premium Daimler - Audi - BMW. So, the gamma engines will be at least two motors.
However, China still adore luxury sedans almost from the time of the Great Kormchego. And the word "premium" Chinese are generally perceived as some ancient magical spells. Therefore, Nissan Intima certainly will "hurrah" and diesel. And here one can only rejoice for the visionary and rastoropnyh Japanese. Although the premium brand ? 1 in China for many years, is Audi, his version of Sotheby coupe ingolshtadttsy yet to be prepared. But Nissan managed to do so and has every chance count on the good sales, which can reach tens of thousands of cars per year. After all, we should not forget that the Chinese market - the second largest in the world, second only to the American.
Therefore, there is little doubt that many Chinese friends will understand Nissan Intima more than sympathetic. Besides, the car really came out very interesting. That is if there are another on the ground and glass roof, rotational seats and video cameras
2011 Nissan Intima luxury sedan
2011 Nissan Intima luxury sedan
2011 Nissan Intima luxury sedan