The Olympic Shuttle Service

A network of regular transport was gradually established from about January 25th. These services which covered all the Olympic installations were assured by coaches or minicoaches. They were for the exclusive use of the people connected with the Games (officials, athletes, organizing committee, firms under contract, etc.). They had fixed timetables and routes which were published in advance. The busiest day was February 18th when about 150 vehicles, of which 120 were coaches, were used.


Minicoaches: 200,000 litres high-grade petrol;
Cars: 150,000 litres high-grade petrol;
Coaches: 200,000 litres diesel oil;
Military transport vehicles: 600,000 litres highgrade petrol;
Helicopters: 23,000 litres of aviation fuel;
Various machines (bulldozers etc.): 50,000 litres high-grade petrol.

Making totals of:
HIGH-GRADE PETROL: 1,000,000 litres;
DIESEL OIL: 280,000 litres;
AVIATION FUEL: 23,000 litres.


The traffic for January was limited to the use of the line Paris-Grenoble by the Company Air Inter with 112 flights for 2,578 passengers. During the month of February the same company, "Air Inter" made 126 flights of which 96 were regular ones:
— 12 were by Caravelle — 104 were by Viscount for a total of 6,774 passengers (arrivals and departures included).
94 charter flights by different companies were registered:
— 38 from Switzerland with 766 passengers, Oslo with 260 passengers, Frankfurt with 220 passengers, Holland with 150 passengers.
— 36 small capacity aircraft for 150 passengers.