The largest mountain-skiing centre of the world
This joint the ex-Swiss mounting skiing resort, one of the largest mountain-skiing centres of the world. Total figures impressing enough: 650 km of lines (100 km — black), 229 lifts (about 228,000 person at an o'clock), more than ten settlements almost on 100,000 having a rest. Certainly, this one of the best places for mountain skiers.Magnificent mounting skiing resort
As a whole it is possible to tell, that resorts so various on character, that their association is caused only by territorial affinity. Thus possibility by means of lifts to reach the next areas of driving, as a rule, is not used.Lines basically dark blue and red though there are and some black. The settlement is located very conveniently for skiers — it is possible to "moor" on skis to any hotel.
Rather universal zone of driving "for all".