"Hedonism" — superclub of Jamaican resort
Where that in Europe, the life most part devoting to management everyday life of an average link, stomatology or insurance, difficult, and at times also it is impossible to present the most secret slices of a flesh as a cloth for a brush body art the master. But here, in the power of hedonism, having crossed categorical «and to think forget!» You with pleasure ask to place the fantastic butterfly on your buttocks or to lodge two gnomes on those parts of own body which will funny jump out during game in volleyball in pool for nudists. And even if the after-dinner relaxation will artfully try to lay you on hour or so per cool number, an appeal from the cocktail of a bar announcing the beginning
«Faking Orgasm Show»,
will co-ordinate your beach slippers in necessary a direction. In the beginning — exclusively to render such stage settings though the offer to join and accept the given game will arrive definitely, but only once and unostentatiously for "Hedonism" unites the people who have yearned on understanding, and nobody considers itself(himself) has the right to show sexual importunity, risking to put you in inconvenient position or in every possible way to belittle the credit of your self-control.And there, in the huge hot pool, raging naked bodies where nobody will put you a stamp «the pervert who has seized before group sex» or «observing for observing» from this the most bearded joke. Here you — one of those emotional addicts, for the first time finished to unfamiliar before sensation when verbal level is almost blocked, but the body is free in impromptus. There is, that a lottery "Hedonism" safe, and here already with you that perfection which in a peace time will not dare to pay to you attention and after three years of obvious courtings is ready to retire.
Round-the-clock bars of system "all inclusive" simply force innumerably "to overturn wine glasses of cocktails inside", allowing with a head to plunge into madness of passions until suddenly will not appear is unique correct at two o'clock in the morning idea — immediately and with indispensable triumph to leave a jacuzzi and to move to a huge waterslide and here so, not feeling security even the most simple clothes to be weaved by bodies into a uniform octopus and to fly by some artful coils of this hill by a transparent part of a pipe over a disco and dancing and promptly to plunge into vicinities of one more bar with live music.
After such descent everyone for itself (himself) chooses again a way of the maximum satisfaction, and here already whose that the voice comprehends heights in a karaoke a bar who that repeats a feat with the Jamaican rum and a waterslide whom that oral sweets, and who have again enticed that, sitting under a palm tree and having felt necessity for a pause, length the smoked jamb, having blinked, goes to the dreamland invisible to others.
In "Hedonism" all provokes to fulfilment pleasant to associates of recklessnesses.
The surprise to the spouse to the birthday man — a huge pie a handsome man ordered directly in pool, has turned back game in which everyone smeared with a pie near and there and then language deleted traces of sweet prank.Girls animators encouraged a culinary distortion, dancing a striptease on a bar rack. Adorers of group sex of more other are betrayed to idea of hedonism — they will organise annual week parties, so-called Cocktails International, reserving number in hotel for a year. Agree, very few people can confidently tell, where exactly and in what dates will have a rest next year. That is why sometimes it is impossible to reserve room in "Hedonism" in good time, even for half a year.
Surprisingly, but such superclubs are popular among some large companies preferring corporate actions — yes yes, be not surprised — in this place. To me has had the luck to be present during rest of employees of
Certainly, those days which has had the luck to have a rest together with Heineken, have imposed some restrictions, and me, for example, it was necessary to leave a camera in number not to decline protection Britney Spears — this chamber to break, as that (pop star) — the lover to sunbathe top loess. And still it was really unforgettable time therefore as a high received from a marathon of the Jamaican music and supervision over creative vanity of Caribbean command MTV — to compare it is impossible with what.
"Hedonism" carefully thinks over night leisure of visitors that the way for the subsequent visits has not been mined by fear of appointment with not novelty. And consequently every night you fairly hope not simply to become the witness, but also the accomplice of mad show. Yesterday you experimented in dances during time «Parties in pyjamas»; today, having dressed clothes of the ancient Roman nobility, anticipate games of times of antiquity why that accompany the woman who only at first sight reminds a yesterday's flower...
In the Morning, pulling out from back streets of memory of memoirs of the past charcoal fumes, again you are surprised, how the same married couple, which else yesterday was the best embodiment of humility of a flesh during show of sado-masochists, the same two yesterday's heroes who so naturally used all chains and lashes, the same wife who was in a strict collar and violently resisted to requirements of the husband to follow in the specified place, — in the morning already usual pair sitting at a cup of coffee...
Also there is nothing, that would hint at yesterday's violence. Having come back home and having plunged into usual routine efforts, you still for a long time will not smile for show at sad eyes.
Repeatedly, with slightly perverted nostalgia, you should collect the same bright Jamaican puzzle: the sea, palm trees, a reggae, hedonism…
And if you do not consider it necessary to share this puzzle with close friends, let will suffice you forces to try to restrain!